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Re: GNU FDL 1.2 draft comment summary posted, and RFD

On Fri, Jun 14, 2002 at 01:09:10PM +1200, Nick Phillips wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 13, 2002 at 09:12:27AM -0700, Mark Rafn wrote:
> > There are both edge cases and fundamental disagreements that Branden very
> > likely already has on his list, but seeing discussion may help him
> > determine how to prioritize them, and certainly helps me to understand all
> > the considerations that go into the next proposal.
> OK, I just don't like to see too many posts from /me on lists...

Actually, you guys are starting to lose me with all the hypotheticals,
so if you have any questions on point, you'd better ask them so I don't
forget about the issues you raise.

I will not draft a license that conflicts with the DFSG as I understand
it.  To do so would be dumb.

I will also endeavor not to draft a license that conflicts with the DFSG
as I would rewrite it.  I however cannot promise that I won't do so
because A) I haven't rewritten the DFSG to satisfy my personal ideas
yet, so I don't know exactly what it would say; and B) there's no
guarantee that my personal ideal DFSG would be accepted by the project,
due to matters either of procedure[1] or principle.

The DSFG we have today is the most important criterion for the DFCL to

[1] See debian-private for why the Project Secretary is deferring
Constitutional Amendments for the time being.

G. Branden Robinson                |    There is no housing shortage in
Debian GNU/Linux                   |    Lincoln today -- just a rumor that
branden@debian.org                 |    is put about by people who have
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |    nowhere to live.    -- G. L. Murfin

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