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practical question on copying of our HTML code

> The critical question, then, is: what remedy should Debian seek here?

Indeed.  I'd sum it up as "do we care that they reused our HTML code, and
may or may not have broken a law by doing so."

Personally, it's mildly annoying, in the same way that it would be mildly
annoying for a commercial Unix vendor to reuse without attribution a
(unpatented but copyrighted) small utility function like a clever Makefile
construct from a free software project. Not bad enough or legally clear
enough to be worth pursuing, but kinda irksome.

Remedy?  They should give credit to Debian in the source, and make their
source available.  Oh, wait - they do that already.
Mark Rafn    dagon@dagon.net    <http://www.dagon.net/>   !G

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