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Re: Why Debian's webpages aren't DFGS-free ?

Gosh, I hate to follow up to this post 3 times, but I keep thinking of more
to say.

Anthony Towns wrote:
> The problem with this is that most people aren't working from a
> "intellectual property isn't" perspective. Debian's webpages are Debian's,
> why should anyone else get any access to them? Sure, viewing them is a
> good idea, but why should they be redistributable? Well, I guess mirrors
> are okay. But what about modifiable? Well, translations count, but that's
> pretty limited modification. Why should we allow more?

Ok, a hypothetical situation: A distribution is made based on debian and
they would like to copy the portions of the web site that pertain to
installation, and modify them to meet their changes. 

Despite the Corel SNAFU, Debian has historically had an interest in allowing
for derived distributions.

> Arguing that anything else is hypocritical kinda misses the point. We're
> about distributing an operating system, programs, stuff like that. Web
> pages are completely ancillary, and they're already good enough.

And documentation is ancillary too? I think _not_!

see shy jo, in New York

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