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Why Debian's webpages aren't DFGS-free ?

Why Debian's web pages are under such a licence ?
It's not DFSG-free.

**** start ****
<P>Copyright &copy; 1997-1998
<a href="//www.spi-inc.org/">Software in the Public Interest (SPI)</a><BR>
P.O. Box 1326<BR>
Boston, MA 02117.
<P>Verbatim copying and distribution is permitted in any medium, provided
this notice is preserved.
<P>You may translate these documents and their license into another language
<LI> You do not deliberately change their meaning beyond changes meant
     to achieve a colloquial rendering in another language
<LI> Translations of the license must be clearly marked as translations,
     and the license in its original language shall continue to apply to
     all translations
<LI> In the case of hypertext pages, you must maintain a copy of the
     original page on the same site, and must provide a link from the
     translated page to its original.
<P>"Debian", The Debian Penguin Logo, "Open Hardware",
and the Open Hardware Logo are trademarks of Software in the Public
Interest, Inc.
***** end *****

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