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Re: Touchscreen Ultrabooks running Debian?

... It says "AMD" because it's the architecture designed by AMD.  Would it
be named "intel", "ia" or "x86_64", we'd be in thesame situation because
it's not only for Intel CPUs and the last CPU namex *86 was made (not even
mentioning introduced) years ago.

OK, you've listed other confusing bits of terminology. Why do these bad
choices make other bad choices better?

I don't see any better choice and it's way too late to change it (not only
with debian).  AMD created the architecture so AMD named it.  Intel accepted
the architecture.  Go blame AMD or Intel, but I recommend you to blame
yourself for having assumptions...

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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