Re: Tools to handle ACPI events?
On Thu, 2004-08-26 at 16:37 -0700, Joe Emenaker wrote:
> Bart Samwel wrote:
> >Funny you should ask, there's just been a discussion on this on debian-
> >devel. I'll be building these shared scripts. I'll let you know when
> >they're done.
> >
> >
> Well, after reading the discussion that I found, it seems that your
> scripts are more aimed at enabling/managing the laptop-mode in the newer
> 2.6 kernels, where my scripts are aimed at mapping ACPI events (sleep
> button pressed, switching from AC to battery, lid closed/opened) to
> tasks (reset system clock from hwclock, switch to text console, initiate
> software suspend, etc).
The most important aspect (to me) of the discussion in -devel is to make
the _event_ "switching from AC to battery" go away, and change it into a
runlevel-like thing ("battery mode" versus "AC mode"). In addition, the
discussion was about unifying the most common events that come out of
ACPI, APM, PMU, and other power management/laptop hardware facilities,
into a common event layer -- so that a laptop policy package can
abstract away from hardware-specific daemons associated with
Bart Samwel <>
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