Micha Feigin <michf@math.tau.ac.il> writes: On Sun, 2003-08-10 at 19:57, Xavier Maillard wrote: > > > > Did you ever saw a sony VAIO such as the Z1 model ?? I don't think > > so otherwise you wouldn't have said that. > > > > The Sonys look nice I admit, although to my taste the powerbook g4 is > much more elegent. On the other hand sony don't have a customer Still a matter of taste :) > service worth s$%# what so ever, so I am not planning on touching > another sony laptop anyway. Please forgive my language, but as far > as Sony is concerned I fill that was talking politely. According to few people I know, there are no problem with sony customer service. Maybe those guys were pretty lucky ? On the other hand, I(d rather not have to contact any customer service (good or bad customer service) :) What I want is a replacement to my now old dell laptop. > > > functionality, if you what you want is multimedia processing then > > > that the way to go, and considering that OSX is now unix based > > > its even better. As for a linux platform, it can be a little > > > more difficult the a pc, but works quite well. For me it is a > > > problem with the missing mouse buttons. > > > > I mainly use PC to develop. Personnaly, I'd rather use dedicated > > materials to read/play audio and video :) Ok I have to admit I also > > (sometimes) listen to music and things like that but my main > > interest in computer science is development ;) > > > > Well, I was talking about multimedia development (i.e editing, > rendering etc.), and as far as after effects etc. goes, a mac is > dedicated equipment, short of a smp silicon graphics, but that is > going off topic I'm afraid. I do develop multimedia project (I have been involved in videolan project e.g.) and I have at my disposal tons of machines at home (6 to be accurate) so for convenience, I prefer developing onto my laptop and do my tests onto other machines ;) Weird indeed ? :) zeDek -- "Sie werden lachen, ich kann überhaupt nicht lesen." Revisionist Manfred Koch erlaeutert die Probleme der Ewiggestrigen in dsp*
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