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Re: Console Video Mode

On Thu, Aug 09, 2001 at 12:28:52PM -0500, Adam Kessel wrote:
> Also, a quick off-topic (Samba) inquiry: I can't get samba to mount a Windows
> share with group/other writeable permissions, even when specifying fmask=000
> and dmask=000. I tried changing the permissions on the mount point, but as soon
> as I mount the share it switches permissions back to 022. I finally found a
> work around by changing the owner of the mountpoint to me, but I'd like all
> users to be able to write to the Samba share.  What am I doing wrong?  

man smbmount - check out uid=(arg), gid=(arg)  and fmask=(arg) options
to mount.

> --Adam Kessel

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