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Re: Der Einfall der DebConf


Martin Eberhard Schauer <Martin.E.Schauer@gmx.de> wrote:
> Alexander Reichle-Schmehl wrote:
> >
> > Beeing a native German speaker, I can't really understand why it was
> > translated that way.  To avoid further "mistranslations" I temporarily
> > revoked Erik's commit access, untill we discussed how errors like that
> > can be prevented for future announcements.
> >    
> To me it's kinda overreaction. As usual Eric has posted this
> translation for review on debian-l10n-german. So the reviewer
> and all list members that didn't have a look at it or read it and
> did not rise their voices are to be blamed as well.

Yes, please revoke my access too, as I did reviewing of that news.

The translation of that sentence is not that bad IMHO: 
it can probably be missunderstood, but it does not justify such
a reaction.
Erik usually provides very good translations.


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