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[RFR] man://shadow/usermod.8


Merci d'avance,
# Copyright (C) YEAR Free Software Foundation, Inc.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: shadow_4.0.3-30\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-08-24 19:38+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-08-19 00:00+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Nicolas Fran�s <nicolas.francois@centraliens.net>\n"
"Language-Team: Debian French Team <debian-l10n-french@lists.debian.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

# type: TH
#: C/usermod.8:28
#, no-wrap
msgid "USERMOD"
msgstr "USERMOD"

# type: SH
#: C/usermod.8:29
#, no-wrap
msgid "NAME"
msgstr "NOM"

# type: Plain text
#: C/usermod.8:31
msgid "usermod - Modify a user account"
msgstr "usermod - modifie un compte utilisateur"

# type: SH
#: C/usermod.8:31
#, no-wrap
msgid "SYNOPSIS"
msgstr "SYNOPSIS"

# type: TP
#: C/usermod.8:32
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<usermod> [B<-c> I<comment>] [B<-d> I<home_dir> [B<-m>]]"
msgstr "B<usermod> [B<-c> I<commentaire>] [B<-d> I<r�perso> [B<-m>]]"

# type: Plain text
#: C/usermod.8:36
msgid "[B<-e> I<expire_date>] [B<-f> I<inactive_time>]"
msgstr "[B<-e> I<date_fin_validit� [B<-f> I<dur�inactivit�"

# type: Plain text
#: C/usermod.8:38
msgid "[B<-g> I<initial_group>] [B<-G> I<group> [,...]]"
msgstr "[B<-g> I<groupe_initial>] [B<-G> I<groupe> [,...]]"

# type: Plain text
#: C/usermod.8:40
msgid "[B<-l> I<login_name>] [B<-p> I<passwd>]"
msgstr "[B<-l> I<nom_utilisateur>] [B<-p> I<mot_de_passe>]"

# type: Plain text
#: C/usermod.8:43
msgid "[B<-s> I<shell>] [B<-u> I<uid> [B<-o>]] [B<-L>|B<-U>] I<login>"
msgstr ""
"[B<-s> I<interpr�ur>] [B<-u> I<uid> [B<-o>]] [B<-L>|B<-U>] "

# type: SH
#: C/usermod.8:43
#, no-wrap

# type: Plain text
#: C/usermod.8:47
msgid ""
"The B<usermod> command modifies the system account files to reflect the "
"changes that are specified on the command line.  The options which apply to "
"the B<usermod> command are:"
msgstr ""
"La commande B<usermod> modifie les fichiers d'administration des comptes du "
"syst� pour refl�r les modifications qui ont � sp�fi� sur la ligne "
"de commande. Les options qui s'appliquent �a commande B<usermod> sont\\ :"

# type: IP
#: C/usermod.8:47
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-c> I<comment>"
msgstr "B<-c> I<commentaire>"

# type: Plain text
#: C/usermod.8:50
msgid ""
"The new value of the user's password file comment field.  It is normally "
"modified using the B<chfn>(1) utility."
msgstr ""
"La nouvelle valeur du champ de commentaire du fichier de mots de passe pour "
"l'utilisateur. Il est normalement modifi�n utilisant l'utilitaire B<chfn>"

# type: IP
#: C/usermod.8:50
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-d> I<home_dir>"
msgstr "B<-d> I<r�perso>"

# type: Plain text
#: C/usermod.8:55
msgid ""
"The user's new login directory.  If the B<-m> option is given the contents "
"of the current home directory will be moved to the new home directory, which "
"is created if it does not already exist."
msgstr ""
"Le nouveau r�rtoire de connexion de l'utilisateur. Si l'option B<-m> est "
"fournie, le contenu du r�rtoire personnel actuel sera d�ac�ans le "
"nouveau r�rtoire personnel, qui sera cr�si n�ssaire."

# type: IP
#: C/usermod.8:55
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-e> I<expire_date>"
msgstr "B<-e> I<date_fin_validit�

# type: Plain text
#: C/usermod.8:58
msgid ""
"The date on which the user account will be disabled.  The date is specified "
"in the format I<YYYY-MM-DD>."
msgstr ""
"La date �aquelle le compte utilisateur sera d�ctiv�La date est "
"sp�fi�dans le format I<AAAA-MM-JJ>."

# type: IP
#: C/usermod.8:58
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-f> I<inactive_days>"
msgstr "B<-f> I<dur�inactivit�

# type: Plain text
#: C/usermod.8:64
msgid ""
"The number of days after a password expires until the account is permanently "
"disabled.  A value of 0 disables the account as soon as the password has "
"expired, and a value of -1 disables the feature.  The default value is -1."
msgstr ""
"Le nombre de jours suivant la fin de validit�'un mot de passe apr�lequel "
"le compte est d�nitivement d�ctiv�Une valeur de 0 d�ctive le compte "
"d�que le mot de passe a d�ss�a fin de validit�et une valeur de -1 "
"d�ctive cette fonctionnalit�La valeur par d�ut est de -1."

# type: Plain text
#: C/usermod.8:64
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-g> I<initial_group>"
msgstr "B<-g> I<groupe_initial>"

# type: Plain text
#: C/usermod.8:69
msgid ""
"The group name or number of the user's new initial login group.  The group "
"name must exist.  A group number must refer to an already existing group.  "
"The default group number is 1."
msgstr ""
"Le nom du groupe ou l'identifiant num�que du groupe de connexion initial "
"de l'utilisateur. Le nom du groupe doit exister. Un num� de groupe doit se "
"r�rer �n groupe pr�istant. Le num� de groupe par d�ut est de 1."

# type: IP
#: C/usermod.8:69
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-G> I<group,[...]>"
msgstr "B<-G> I<groupe,[...]>"

# type: Plain text
#: C/usermod.8:78
msgid ""
"A list of supplementary groups which the user is also a member of.  Each "
"group is separated from the next by a comma, with no intervening "
"whitespace.  The groups are subject to the same restrictions as the group "
"given with the B<-g> option.  If the user is currently a member of a group "
"which is not listed, the user will be removed from the group"
msgstr ""
"Une liste de groupes suppl�ntaires auxquels fait �lement partie "
"l'utilisateur. Les groupes sont s�r�par une virgule, sans espace entre "
"eux. Les groupes sont soumis aux m�s restrictions que celles donn� avec "
"l'option B<-g>. Si l'utilisateur fait actuellement partie d'un groupe qui "
"n'est pas list�l'utilisateur sera supprim�u groupe."

# type: Plain text
#: C/usermod.8:78
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-l> I<login_name>"
msgstr "B<-l> I<nom_utilisateur>"

# type: Plain text
#: C/usermod.8:84
msgid ""
"The name of the user will be changed from I<login> to I<login_name>.  "
"Nothing else is changed.  In particular, the user's home directory name "
"should probably be changed to reflect the new login name."
msgstr ""
"Le nom de l'utilisateur passera de I<utilisateur> �<nom_utilisateur>. Rien "
"d'autre n'est modifi�En particulier, le r�rtoire personnel de "
"l'utilisateur devra probablement �e chang�our refl�r le nouveau nom de "

# type: IP
#: C/usermod.8:84
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-p> I<passwd>"
msgstr "B<-p> I<mot_de_passe>"

# type: Plain text
#: C/usermod.8:86
msgid "The encrypted password, as returned by B<crypt>(3)."
msgstr "Le mot de passe chiffr�comme renvoy�ar B<crypt>(3)."

# type: IP
#: C/usermod.8:86
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-s> I<shell>"
msgstr "B<-s> I<interpr�ur>"

# type: Plain text
#: C/usermod.8:90
msgid ""
"The name of the user's new login shell.  Setting this field to blank causes "
"the system to select the default login shell."
msgstr ""
"Le nom du nouvel interpr�ur de commande initial (�\\ login shell\\ �) de "
"l'utilisateur. Si le champ est vide, le syst� s�ctionnera l'interpr�ur "
"de commande initial par d�ut."

# type: IP
#: C/usermod.8:90
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-u> I<uid>"
msgstr "B<-u> I<uid>"

# type: Plain text
#: C/usermod.8:99
msgid ""
"The numerical value of the user's ID.  This value must be unique, unless the "
"I<-o> option is used.  The value must be non-negative.  Values between 0 and "
"99 are typically reserved for system accounts.  Any files which the user "
"owns and which are located in the directory tree rooted at the user's home "
"directory will have the file user ID changed automatically.  Files outside "
"of the user's home directory must be altered manually."
msgstr ""
"La valeur num�que de l'identifiant de l'utilisateur. Cette valeur doit "
"�e unique, �oins que l'option B<-o> ne soit utilis� La valeur ne "
"doit pas �e n�tive. Les valeurs comprises entre 0 et 99 sont "
"g�ralement r�rv� aux comptes syst�. Tous les fichiers poss�s par "
"l'utilisateur et qui sont situ�dans le r�rtoire personnel de "
"l'utilisateur verront leur identifiant utilisateur automatiquement modifi�"
"Les fichiers situ��'ext�eur du r�rtoire personnel de l'utilisateur "
"doivent �e modifi�manuellement."

# type: IP
#: C/usermod.8:99
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-L>"
msgstr "B<-L>"

# type: Plain text
#: C/usermod.8:103
msgid ""
"Lock a user's password.  This puts a '!' in front of the encrypted password, "
"effectively disabling the password.  You can't use this option with I<-p> or "
msgstr ""
"Verrouille le mot de passe d'un utilisateur. Cette option ajoute un �\\ !\\ "
"� devant le mot de passe chiffr�ce qui d�ctive le mot de passe. Vous ne "
"pouvez pas utiliser cette option avec B<-p> ou B<-U>."

# type: IP
#: C/usermod.8:103
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-U>"
msgstr "B<-U>"

# type: Plain text
#: C/usermod.8:107
msgid ""
"Unlock a user's password.  This removes the '!' in front of the encrypted "
"password.  You can't use this option with I<-p> or I<-L>."
msgstr ""
"D�rrouille le mot de passe d'un utilisateur. Cela supprime le �\\ !\\ � "
"situ�evant le mot de passe chiffr�Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser cette "
"option avec B<-p> ou B<-L>."

# type: SH
#: C/usermod.8:107
#, no-wrap
msgid "CAVEATS"

# type: Plain text
#: C/usermod.8:116
msgid ""
"B<usermod> will not allow you to change the name of a user who is logged "
"in.  You must make certain that the named user is not executing any "
"processes when this command is being executed if the user's numerical user "
"ID is being changed.  You must change the owner of any crontab files "
"manually.  You must change the owner of any at jobs manually.  You must make "
"any changes involving NIS on the NIS server."
msgstr ""
"B<usermod> ne vous permet pas de modifier le nom d'un utilisateur qui est "
"actuellement connect�Vous devez �e s�e l'utilisateur nomm�'est pas "
"en train d'ex�ter un quelconque programme quand cette commande est "
"ex�t�si l'UID num�que de l'utilisateur est modifi�Vous devez "
"modifier le nom du propri�ire de tous les fichiers I<crontab> "
"manuellement. Vous devez modifier le nom du propri�ire de n'importe quelle "
"t�e I<at> manuellement. Vous devez effectuer les modifications impliquant "
"NIS sur le serveur NIS."

# type: SH
#: C/usermod.8:116
#, no-wrap
msgid "FILES"
msgstr "FICHIERS"

# type: Plain text
#: C/usermod.8:118
msgid "/etc/passwd - user account information"
msgstr "/etc/passwd - informations sur les comptes des utilisateurs"

# type: Plain text
#: C/usermod.8:120
msgid "/etc/shadow - secure user account information"
msgstr "/etc/shadow - mots de passe chiffr�des utilisateurs"

# type: Plain text
#: C/usermod.8:122
msgid "/etc/group - group information"
msgstr "/etc/group - informations sur les groupes"

# type: SH
#: C/usermod.8:122
#, no-wrap
msgid "SEE ALSO"
msgstr "VOIR AUSSI"

# type: Plain text
#: C/usermod.8:132
msgid ""
"B<chfn>(1), B<chsh>(1), B<passwd>(1), B<crypt>(3), B<groupadd>(8), "
"B<groupdel>(8), B<groupmod>(8), B<useradd>(8), B<userdel>(8)"
msgstr ""
"B<chfn>(1), B<chsh>(1), B<passwd>(1), B<crypt>(3), B<groupadd>(8), "
"B<groupdel>(8), B<groupmod>(8), B<useradd>(8), B<userdel>(8)"

# type: SH
#: C/usermod.8:132
#, no-wrap
msgid "AUTHOR"
msgstr "AUTEUR"

# type: Plain text
#: C/usermod.8:133
msgid "Julianne Frances Haugh (jockgrrl@ix.netcom.com)"
msgstr "Julianne Frances Haugh E<lt>jockgrrl@ix.netcom.comE<gt>"

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