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Re: [RFR] templates://texlive-base/{templates}

Christian PERRIER wrote:
>  Template: texlive-base/binary_chooser
>  Type: multiselect
> -_Description: Choose TeX binaries that should use system paper size
> - Currently, the TeX binaries have different default paper sizes set on
> - this system.  Please choose which of them should get the system paper
> - size, ${libpaperPaper}, as their default.
> +_Description: TeX binaries that should use the system paper size:
> + Currently, TeX binaries have different default paper sizes set on
> + this system. Please choose which of them should get the system paper
> + size (${libpaperPaper}) as their default.
>  Choices: pdftex, dvips, dvipdfmx, xdvi
>  Default: pdftex, dvips, dvipdfmx, xdvi
> Same idea than before: avoid a sentence as synopsis. Moreover, for
> select/multiselect, the synopsis should use a colon.
> Drop a "the" which I find useless (Justin?).

It depends where "on this system" goes.  If it's saying "On this
system there are currently TeX binaries that have different default
paper sizes set" then it doesn't need an article there.  On the other
hand it might be saying "The TeX binaries on this system currently
have different default paper sizes set".  The difference in meaning is
so tiny that it's probably okay either way, but now I come to think
about it I suppose I'd recommend something like this:

    This system's TeX binaries currently use different default paper
    sizes. Please choose which of them should get the system paper size
    (${libpaperPaper}) as their default.
> PS: I did not review the packages descriptions. They are "just" a
> collection of CTAN packages. Just one remark: I don't understand why
> the first apragraph of some of them is hard-formatted (starting with
> two spaces).

Well, here's a review of the descriptions, but I won't mind if
it's ignored.

> Package: texlive-base
> Description: TeX Live: Essential programs and files

Why the caps after the colon?  I've downcased them (passim).

>  These files are regarded as basic for any TeX system, covering plain TeX
>    macros, Computer Modern fonts, and configuration for common drivers; no
>    LaTeX.

Reformatted (passim).

>  .
>  This package includes the following CTAN packages:

What I'd *like* to do is perform a global s/--/-/, eliminate the
capitalisation of the first letter (and redundant articles) in the
descriptions, improve their structural parallelism (standardising
either towards noun phrases or verb phrases throughout) and make
them all end in a semicolon, but to reduce the intrusiveness of the
patch I'll leave all that for another time.

Instead I'll just try to make them stylistically consistent and fill
in some mysterious blanks.

>   amsfonts -- TeX fonts from the American Mathematical Society.
>   apalike -- APA-like citations
>   bibtex -- Process bibliographies for LaTeX, etc.
>   dvipdfmx -- An extended version of dvipdfm.
>   dvipdfmx-def --
                    A graphics driver for dvipdfmx.
>   dvips -- A DVI to PostScript driver.
>   hyphen-base --
                   Core hyphenation patterns.
>   ifluatex -- Provides the \ifluatex switch.
>   mfware -- Supporting tools for use with MetaFont.
>   misc --
            Miscellaneous macros for TeX and MetaFont.
>   pdftex -- A TeX extension for direct creation of PDF.
>   plain -- The Plain TeX format.
>   tcdialog --
                Widgets for texconfig.
>   tetex -- scripts and files originally written for or included in teTeX
>   tex -- A sophisticated typesetting engine.
>   texconfig --
                 A configurator for a TeX system.
>   xdvi -- A DVI previewer for the X Window System.
>   texdoc -- Documentation access for TeX distributions.
> Package: texlive-generic-recommended
> Description: TeX Live: Recommended generic packages
>  Recommended packages that work with multiple formats.
>  .
>  This package includes the following CTAN packages:

This long description starts with a non-sentence and confusingly
asserts that this package contains packages.  Yes, it goes on to
explain that it means CTAN packages, but I would suggest standardising
all the descriptions phrased like this in the direction of:

   This is a set of recommended CTAN packages that work with multiple
   formats, including:

>   epsf -- Simple macros for EPS inclusion.
>   fontname -- Scheme for naming fonts in TeX.
>   genmisc --
               Miscellaneous files for generic TeX packages.
>   multido -- A loop facility for Generic TeX.
>   tex-ps -- TeX to PostScript generic macros and add-ons.
> Package: texlive-latex-base
> Description: TeX Live: Basic LaTeX packages
>  These packages are mandated by the core LaTeX team, or at least very
>    strongly recommended.
>  .
>  This package includes the following CTAN packages:

   This is a set of CTAN packages mandated or at least very strongly
   recommended by the core LaTeX team, including:

>   ae -- Virtual fonts for T1 encoded CMR-fonts.
>   carlisle -- David Carlisle's small packages.
>   colortbl -- Add colour to LaTeX tables.
(And likewise in pdftex-def below)

>   fancyhdr -- Extensive control of page headers and footers in LaTeX2e.
>   hyperref -- Extensive support for hypertext in LaTeX.
>   latex -- the basic LaTeX package.
(And likewise in supp-pdf below)

>   latex-bin -- LaTeX executables and man pages.
>   latex-fonts -- A collection of fonts used in LaTeX distributions.
>   latexconfig --
                    A configurator for a LaTeX system;
>   ltxmisc -- Miscellaneous LaTeX packages, etc.
> Package: texlive-latex-recommended
> Description: TeX Live: LaTeX recommended packages

If that's contrasting with "basic LaTeX packages" it should be:

  Description: TeX Live: recommended LaTeX packages

>  A collection of recommended add-on packages for LaTeX which have widespread
>    use
>  .
>  This package includes the following CTAN packages:

  This is a collection of recommended add-on CTAN packages for LaTeX
  which are widely used, including:

>   anysize -- A simple package to set up document margins.
>   booktabs -- Publication quality tables in LaTeX
>   caption -- Customising captions in floating environments.
(We're standardising on en_US; if you want en_GB you'll need
to fix the references to "centered tables" and "math".)

>   cite -- Improved citation handling in LaTeX.
>   ctable -- Easily typeset centered tables.
>   ec -- Computer modern fonts in T1 and TS1 encodings.
>   eso-pic -- Add picture commands (or backgrounds) to every page.
>   jknapltx -- LaTeX support for Jörg Knappen's fonts.
>   koma-script -- A bundle of versatile classes and packages
>   listings -- Typeset source code listings using LaTeX.
>   mdwtools -- Miscellaneous tools by Mark Wooding.
>   memoir -- Typeset fiction, non-fiction and mathematical books.
>   metalogo -- Extended TeX logo macros.
>   microtype -- An interface to the micro-typographic features of pdfTeX.
>   ms -- Various LaTeX packages by Martin Schroder.
>   ntgclass -- "European" versions of standard classes.

("European" how?  As opposed to what?  I mean, given that most of
us are writing European languages in European alphabetic scripts,
presumably this is targeted at more or less every TeX user
outside China, right?)
> Package: texlive-fonts-recommended
> Description: TeX Live: Recommended fonts
>  .
>  This package includes the following CTAN packages:

Don't start with an empty paragraph.

   This is a collection of CTAN packaged fonts, including:

>   avantgar -- the URW Avantgar fonts and support for the Adobe font set.

>   bookman -- the URW Bookman fonts and support for the Adobe font set.
>   charter -- Charter fonts.
>   cmextra --
               "Standard" fonts not used by LaTeX itself.
>   courier -- Adobe Type 1 "free" copies of Courier.
>   euro -- Provide Euro values for national currency amounts.
It's "euro", not "Euro" (passim - does TeX really need all
these strap-on boosters just to help it cope with U+20AC?)
Oh, and surely those are now ex-currencies?

>   fpl -- SC and OsF fonts for URW Palladio L
>   helvetic -- the URW Helvetiva fonts and support for the Adobe font set.
                URW Helvetica fonts [...]
>   marvosym -- Martin Vogel's Symbols (marvosym) font.
>   mathpazo -- Fonts to typeset mathematics to match Palatino.
>   ncntrsbk -- the URW New Century Schoolbook fonts and support for the Adobe
>    font set.

Shorten that somehow; maybe to
    ncntrsbk -- URW New Century Schoolbook and support for the Adobe font set.
Or find a more efficient way of conveying "and support for
the Adobe font set" (whatever that means).

>   palatino --
                URW Palladio font (a Palatino clone).
>   pxfonts -- Palatino-like fonts in support of mathematics.
>   rsfs -- Ralph Smith's Formal Script font.
>   symbol --
              Standard Symbol font.
>   times -- Select Adobe Times Roman (or equivalent) as default font.
>   timesnew -- the URW Times fonts and support for the Adobe font set.
>   txfonts -- Times-like fonts in support of mathematics.
>   utopia -- Adobe Utopia fonts.
>   wasy -- The wasy fonts (Waldi symbol fonts).
>   wasysym -- LaTeX support file to use the WASY2 fonts
>   zapfchan -- the URW Zapf Chancery font and support for the Adobe font.
>   zapfding -- the URW Zapf Dingbat font and support for the Adobe font.
> Package: texlive-pictures
> Description: TeX Live: Graphics packages and programs
>  .
>  This package includes the following CTAN packages:


   This is a collection of graphics-related CTAN packages, including:

>   asyfig -- Commands for using Asymptote figures.
>   autoarea -- Automatic computation of bounding boxes with PiCTeX.
>   bardiag -- LateX package for drawing bar diagrams.
>   cachepic -- Convert document fragments into graphics.
>   circuitikz -- Draw electrical networks with TikZ.
>   curve -- A class for making curriculum vitae.

Well, that's an en_GB vocabulary item, but at least it
explains the name.  More importantly, that's the singular,
not the plural.  In fact let's go with singular:

    curve -- A class for making a Curriculum Vitae.

>   curve2e -- Extensions for package pict2e.
>   curves -- Curves for LaTeX picture environment
(Whatever that means.)

>   dcpic -- Commutative diagrams in a LaTeX and TeX documents.

Syntax error.                     in (La)TeX documents.

>   diagmac2 -- Diagram macros, using pict2e.
>   epspdf -- Converter for PostScript, EPS and PDF.
>   epspdfconversion -- On-the-fly conversion of EPS to PDF.
>   petri-nets -- A set TeX/LaTeX packages for drawing Petri nets.
>   pgf-soroban -- Create images of the soroban using TikZ/PGF.
                                    a soroban (abacus)
>   pgfopts -- LaTeX package options with pgfkeys.
>   pinlabel -- A TeX labelling package.
                      labeling (en_US)
>   swimgraf -- Graphical/textual representations of swimming performances

("Swimming performances" would mean aqua-ballet or something.)

>   texdraw -- Graphical macros, using embedded PostScript.
>   tikz-inet -- Draw interaction nets with TikZ
>   tikz-timing -- Easy generation of timing diagrams as tikz pictures.
> Package: texlive-luatex
> Description: TeX Live: LuaTeX packages
>  Packages for LuaTeX, a Unicode-aware extension of pdfTeX, using Lua  as an
>    embedded scripting and extension language. http://luatex.org/
>  .
>  This package includes the following CTAN packages:

   LuaTeX is a Unicode-aware extension of pdfTeX, using Lua as an
   embedded scripting and extension language (see http://luatex.org/).
   This is a collection of LuaTex-related CTAN packages, including:

>   luainputenc -- Replacing inputenc for use in LuaTeX.
>   luamplib -- Use LuaTeX's built-in MetaPost interpreter.
>   luaotfload -- ConTeXt OTF loading system for Plain and LaTeX.
                                                 Plain TeX and LaTeX.
>   luatextra -- Additional macros for Plain TeX and LaTeX in LuaTeX.
> Package: texlive-metapost
> Description: TeX Live: MetaPost (and Metafont) drawing packages
>  .
>  This package includes the following CTAN packages:

(Missing "what is MetaPost?" paragraph...)

   This is a collection of CTAN packages to support drawing with MetaPost,

>   automata -- Finite state machines, graphs and trees in MetaPost.
>   bbcard -- Bullshit bingo, calendar and baseball-score cards.
>   garrigues -- MetaPost macros for the reproduction of Garrigues' Easter
>    nomogram.

Needn't overflow the line:
    garrigues -- MetaPost macros to reproduce Garrigues' Easter nomogram.

>   hatching -- MetaPost macros for hatching interior of closed paths.
>   latexmp -- Interface for LaTeX-based typesetting in MetaPost
>   roex --

           Supports ROunded-EXponential auditory filter models.

>   slideshow -- Generate slideshow with MetaPost.
>   splines -- MetaPost macros for drawing cubic spline interpolants.
>   suanpan -- MetaPost macros for drawing Chinese and Japanese abaci.

Whether we say "abaci" or "abacuses" we'll annoy the people who
prefer the opposite, so I recommend:
    suanpan -- MetaPost macros for drawing a Chinese or Japanese abacus.

>   textpath -- Setting text along a path with MetaPost.
> Package: texlive-omega
> Description: TeX Live: Omega

That's a remarkably uninformative synopsis!  It could at least
  Description: TeX Live: Omega packages

>  Omega, a 16-bit extended TeX by John Plaice and Yannis Haralambous
>  .
>  This package includes the following CTAN packages:

  Omega is a 16-bit extended TeX by John Plaice and Yannis Haralambous.
  This is a collection of Omega-related CTAN packages, including:

>   antomega -- Alternative language support for Omega/Lambda.
>   lambda -- LaTeX format based on the Omega engine.
>   mxd -- Support for Mongolian "horizontal" (Xewtee Dorwoljin) script.
>   mxedruli -- A pair of Georgian fonts.
>   omega -- A wide-character-set extension of TeX.
>   aleph -- Extended TeX.
>   omegaware --

That needs a description, but I don't see any clues anywhere.  In
fact are we even sure it exists?  Omegawhere?
> Package: texlive-xetex
> Description: TeX Live: XeTeX packages
>  Packages for XeTeX, the Unicode/OpenType-enabled TeX by Jonathan Kew,
>    http://scripts.sil.org/xetex.
>  .
>  This package includes the following CTAN packages:

   XeTeX is a Unicode/OpenType-enabled TeX by Jonathan Kew
   (see http://scripts.sil.org/xetex). This is a collection of
   XeTeX-related CTAN packages, including:

>   fontspec -- An automatic interface to feature-rich fonts in XeLaTeX.
>   fontwrap -- Bind fonts to specific unicode blocks.
>   harvardkyoto -- XeTeX input map for Unicode Devanagari.
>   mathspec -- Specify arbitrary fonts for mathematics in XeTeX.
>   philokalia -- A font to typeset the Philokalia Books.
>   polyglossia -- Modern multilingual typesetting with XeLaTeX.
>   xecjk -- Support for CJK documents in XeLaTeX.
>   xecolour -- Support for colour in XeLaTeX.
>   xecyr -- Using Cyrillic languages in XeTeX.
>   xepersian -- Persian for LaTeX over XeTeX.
>   xetex --
             The basic XeTeX package.
>   xetex-def -- Colour and graphics support for XeTeX.
>   xetex-pstricks -- Running PStricks under XeTeX.
>   xetexconfig --
                   A configurator for a XeTeX system.
>   xetexfontinfo -- Report font features in XeTeX.
>   xltxtra -- "Extras" for LaTeX users of XeTeX.
>   xunicode -- Generate Unicode characters from accented glyphs.
> Package: texlive
> Description: TeX Live: A decent selection of the TeX Live packages

Repeating "TeX Live" is redundant, and so is the mention of
packages (though just for once it really does mean .debs, not
packages in the TeX sense).  Nor is "decent" a clear way of
saying "lightweight compared to texlive-full".  How about:

  Description: TeX Live: selective metapackage

>  The TeX Live software distribution offers a complete TeX system.
>  It encompasses programs for typesetting, previewing and printing
>  of TeX documents in many different languages, and a large collection
>  of TeX macros and font libraries.
>  .
>  This metapackage provides a decent selection of the TeX Live packages
>  which should suffice for the most common tasks.
>  .
>  The distribution also includes extensive general documentation about
>  TeX, as well as the documentation accompanying the included software
>  packages.

Move the middle paragraph to the end so that all the invariant
boilerplate material is together.
> Package: texlive-full
> Description: TeX Live: metapackage pulling in all components of TeX Live

Better, but still repetitive.  Why not just:

  Description: TeX Live: comprehensive metapackage

>  The TeX Live software distribution offers a complete TeX system.
>  It encompasses programs for typesetting, previewing and printing
>  of TeX documents in many different languages, and a large collection
>  of TeX macros and font libraries.
>  .
>  The distribution also includes extensive general documentation about
>  TeX, as well as the documentation accompanying the included software
>  packages.

Add a parallel distinguishing paragraph:
   This metapackage provides a full TeX Live system.

> Package: texlive-common
> Package: texlive-fonts-recommended-doc
> Description: TeX Live: Documentation files for texlive-fonts-recommended
>  This package provides the documentation for texlive-fonts-recommended

These -doc packages are just missing a final period.
JBR	with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
	sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package
Template: texlive-base/texconfig_ignorant
Type: error
_Description: Unmanageable system paper size (${libpaperPaper})
 The currently defined system-wide paper size is ${libpaperPaper}. However, the
 TeX configuration system cannot handle this paper size for ${binary}.
 The setting will remain unchanged.
 The following command can show the list of known paper sizes for
 texconfig ${binary_commandline} paper

Template: texlive-base/binary_chooser
Type: multiselect
_Description: TeX binaries that should use the system paper size:
 This system's TeX binaries currently use different default paper
 sizes. Please choose which of them should get the system paper size
 (${libpaperPaper}) as their default.
Choices: pdftex, dvips, dvipdfmx, xdvi
Default: pdftex, dvips, dvipdfmx, xdvi
Source: texlive-base
Section: tex
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Debian TeX Maintainers <debian-tex-maint@lists.debian.org>
Uploaders: Norbert Preining <preining@debian.org>, Frank Küster <frank@debian.org>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5), quilt
Build-Depends-Indep: sharutils, tex-common (>= 2.10), eperl, findutils (>=4.2.0)
Standards-Version: 3.8.4
Homepage: http://www.tug.org/texlive/

Package: texlive-base
Architecture: all
Depends: texlive-doc-base (>= 2009-1), libpaper-utils, mime-support, ${misc:Depends}, luatex (>= 0.46.0-5), texlive-binaries (>= 2009-10), texlive-common (>= 2009-1), texlive-binaries (>= 2009-1)
Conflicts: texlive-base-bin (<< 2008), luatex (<< 0.46.0-5), dvipdfmx, texlive-base-bin-doc, texinfo (<< 4.8)
Recommends: lmodern (>= 0.93.3-1)
Provides: dvipdfmx
Suggests: perl-tk, ghostscript, xpdf-reader | pdf-viewer, gv | postscript-viewer
Replaces: texlive-xetex (<< 2008), dvipdfmx, luatex (<< 0.45.0), texlive-base-bin-doc
Description: TeX Live: essential programs and files
 These files are regarded as basic for any TeX system, covering plain TeX
 macros, Computer Modern fonts, and configuration for common drivers; no
 This package includes the following CTAN packages:
  amsfonts -- TeX fonts from the American Mathematical Society.
  apalike -- APA-like citations.
  bibtex -- Process bibliographies for LaTeX, etc.
  cm -- Computer Modern fonts.
  dvipdfm -- A DVI driver to produce PDF directly.
  dvipdfmx -- An extended version of dvipdfm.
  dvipdfmx-def -- A graphics driver for dvipdfmx.
  dvips -- A DVI to PostScript driver.
  enctex -- A TeX extension that translates input on its way into TeX.
  etex -- An extended version of TeX, from the NTS project.
  etex-pkg -- E-TeX support package.
  gsftopk -- Convert "ghostscript fonts" to PK files.
  hyph-utf8 -- Hyphenation patterns expressed in UTF-8.
  hyphen-base -- Core hyphenation patterns.
  ifluatex -- Provides the \ifluatex switch.
  ifxetex -- Am I running under XeTeX?
  kpathsea -- Path searching library for TeX-related files.
  makeindex -- Process index output to produce typesettable code.
  metafont -- A system for specifying fonts.
  mflogo -- LaTeX support for MetaFont logo fonts.
  mfware -- Supporting tools for use with MetaFont.
  misc -- Miscellaneous macros for TeX and MetaFont.
  pdftex -- A TeX extension for direct creation of PDF.
  plain -- The Plain TeX format.
  tcdialog -- Widgets for texconfig.
  tetex -- Scripts and files originally written for or included in teTeX
  tex -- A sophisticated typesetting engine.
  texconfig -- A configurator for a TeX system.
  xdvi -- A DVI previewer for the X Window System.
  texdoc -- Documentation access for TeX distributions.

Package: texlive-generic-recommended
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends}, texlive-base (>= 2009-1), texlive-common (>= 2009-1)
Replaces: texlive-base (<< 2008)
Description: TeX Live: recommended generic packages
 This is a set of recommended CTAN packages that work with multiple formats,
  epsf -- Simple macros for EPS inclusion.
  fontname -- Scheme for naming fonts in TeX.
  genmisc -- Miscellaneous files for generic TeX packages.
  multido -- A loop facility for Generic TeX.
  tex-ps -- TeX to PostScript generic macros and add-ons.

Package: texlive-latex-base
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends}, texlive-base (>= 2009-1), texlive-common (>= 2009-1), texlive-binaries (>= 2009-1)
Conflicts: ivritex (<= 1.1.1-5)
Recommends: texlive-latex-base-doc
Replaces: texlive-formats-extra, texlive-base-bin (<< 2008), texlive-metapost (<< 2008), texlive-latex-recommended (<< 2008)
Description: TeX Live: basic LaTeX packages
 This is a set of CTAN packages mandated or at least very strongly
 recommended by the core LaTeX team, including:
  ae -- Virtual fonts for T1 encoded CMR-fonts.
  amscls -- AMS document classes for LaTeX.
  amsmath -- AMS mathematical facilities for LaTeX.
  babel -- Multilingual support for Plain TeX or LaTeX.
  babelbib -- Multilingual bibliographies.
  carlisle -- David Carlisle's small packages.
  colortbl -- Add color to LaTeX tables.
  fancyhdr -- Extensive control of page headers and footers in LaTeX2e.
  geometry -- Flexible and complete interface to document dimensions.
  graphics -- Standard LaTeX graphics.
  hyperref -- Extensive support for hypertext in LaTeX.
  latex -- The basic LaTeX package.
  latex-bin -- LaTeX executables and man pages.
  latex-fonts -- A collection of fonts used in LaTeX distributions.
  latexconfig -- A configurator for a LaTeX system;
  ltxmisc -- Miscellaneous LaTeX packages, etc.
  mfnfss -- Packages to typeset oldgerman and pandora fonts in LaTeX.
  natbib -- Flexible bibliography support.
  oberdiek -- A bundle of packages submitted by Heiko Oberdiek.
  pdftex-def -- Color and graphics support for PDFTeX.
  pslatex -- Use PostScript fonts by default.
  psnfss -- Font support for common PostScript fonts.
  pspicture -- PostScript picture support.
  supp-pdf -- Native MetaPost graphics inclusion.
  tools -- The LaTeX standard tools bundle.

Package: texlive-latex-recommended
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends}, texlive-common (>= 2009-1), texlive-binaries (>= 2009-1), texlive-latex-base (>= 2009-1)
Conflicts: texlive-base-bin (<< 2008)
Recommends: texlive-latex-recommended-doc, prosper (>= 1.00.4+cvs.2006.10.22-1), latex-beamer (>= 3.06.dfsg.1-0.1), latex-xcolor (>= 2.09-1)
Replaces: texlive-latex-recommended-doc (<< 2008), texlive-latex-extra (<< 2008)
Description: TeX Live: recommended LaTeX packages
 This is a collection of recommended add-on CTAN packages for LaTeX
 which are widely used, including:
  anysize -- A simple package to set up document margins.
  booktabs -- Publication quality tables in LaTeX
  caption -- Customizing captions in floating environments.
  cite -- Improved citation handling in LaTeX.
  citeref -- Add reference-page-list to bibliography-items.
  cmap -- Make PDF files searchable and copyable.
  crop -- Support for cropmarks.
  ctable -- Easily typeset centered tables.
  ec -- Computer Modern fonts in T1 and TS1 encodings.
  eso-pic -- Add picture commands (or backgrounds) to every page.
  euler -- Use AMS Euler fonts for math.
  extsizes -- Extend the standard classes' size options.
  fancybox -- Variants of \fbox and other games with boxes.
  fancyref -- A LaTeX package for fancy cross-referencing.
  fancyvrb -- Sophisticated verbatim text.
  float -- Improved interface for floating objects.
  fp -- Fixed point arithmetic.
  index -- Extended index for LaTeX including multiple indexes.
  jknapltx -- LaTeX support for Jörg Knappen's fonts.
  koma-script -- A bundle of versatile classes and packages.
  listings -- Typeset source code listings using LaTeX.
  mdwtools -- Miscellaneous tools by Mark Wooding.
  memoir -- Typeset fiction, non-fiction, and mathematical books.
  metalogo -- Extended TeX logo macros.
  microtype -- An interface to the micro-typographic features of pdfTeX.
  ms -- Various LaTeX packages by Martin Schroder.
  ntgclass -- "European" versions of standard classes.
  pdfpages -- Include PDF documents in LaTeX.
  powerdot -- A presentation class.
  psfrag -- Replace strings in encapsulated PostScript figures.
  rcs -- Use RCS (revision control system) tags in LaTeX documents.
  rotating -- Rotation tools, including rotated full-page floats.
  seminar -- Make overhead slides.
  setspace -- Set space between lines.
  subfig -- Figures broken into subfigures
  thumbpdf -- Thumbnails for pdfTeX and dvips/ps2pdf.
  xkeyval -- Extension of the keyval package.

Package: texlive-fonts-recommended
Section: fonts
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends}, texlive-base (>= 2009-1), texlive-common (>= 2009-1)
Recommends: texlive-fonts-recommended-doc, tipa (>= 2:1.2-2.1)
Description: TeX Live: recommended fonts
 This is a collection of CTAN packaged fonts, including:
  avantgar -- The URW Avantgar fonts and support for the Adobe font set.
  bookman -- The URW Bookman fonts and support for the Adobe font set.
  charter -- Charter fonts.
  cmextra -- "Standard" fonts not used by LaTeX itself.
  courier -- Adobe Type 1 "free" copies of Courier.
  euro -- Provide euro values for national currency amounts.
  euro-ce -- Euro and CE sign font.
  eurofont -- Provides a command that prints a euro symbol.
  eurosans -- Interface to Adobe's sans-serif Euro font.
  eurosym -- MetaFont and macros for euro sign.
  fpl -- SC and OsF fonts for URW Palladio L.
  helvetic -- URW Helvetiva fonts and support for the Adobe font set.
  marvosym -- Martin Vogel's Symbols (marvosym) font.
  mathpazo -- Fonts to typeset mathematics to match Palatino.
  ncntrsbk -- URW New Century Schoolbook and support for the Adobe font set.
  palatino -- URW Palladio font (a Palatino clone).
  pxfonts -- Palatino-like fonts in support of mathematics.
  rsfs -- Ralph Smith's Formal Script font.
  symbol -- Standard Symbol font.
  times -- Select Adobe Times Roman (or equivalent) as default font.
  timesnew -- the URW Times fonts and support for the Adobe font set.
  txfonts -- Times-like fonts in support of mathematics.
  utopia -- Adobe Utopia fonts.
  wasy -- The wasy fonts (Waldi symbol fonts).
  wasysym -- LaTeX support file to use the WASY2 fonts.
  zapfchan -- the URW Zapf Chancery font and support for the Adobe font.
  zapfding -- the URW Zapf Dingbat font and support for the Adobe font.

Package: texlive-pictures
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends}, texlive-base (>= 2009-1), luatex, texlive-common (>= 2009-1), texlive-binaries (>= 2009-1)
Recommends: texlive-pictures-doc, pgf (>= 1.01.dfsg.1-1)
Suggests: dot2tex
Description: TeX Live: graphics packages and programs
 This is a collection of graphics-related CTAN packages, including:
  asyfig -- Commands for using Asymptote figures.
  autoarea -- Automatic computation of bounding boxes with PiCTeX.
  bardiag -- LaTeX package for drawing bar diagrams.
  cachepic -- Convert document fragments into graphics.
  circuitikz -- Draw electrical networks with TikZ.
  curve -- A class for making a Curriculum Vitae.
  curve2e -- Extensions for package pict2e.
  curves -- Curves for LaTeX picture environment.
  dcpic -- Commutative diagrams in (La)TeX documents.
  diagmac2 -- Diagram macros, using pict2e.
  doc-pictex -- A summary list of PicTeX documentation.
  dottex -- Use dot code in LaTeX.
  dot2texi -- Create graphs within LaTeX using the dot2tex tool.
  dratex -- General drawing macros.
  eepic -- Extensions to epic and the LaTeX drawing tools.
  epspdf -- Converter for PostScript, EPS, and PDF.
  epspdfconversion -- On-the-fly conversion of EPS to PDF.
  fig4latex -- Management of figures for large LaTeX documents.
  gnuplottex -- Embed Gnuplot commands in LaTeX documents.
  miniplot -- A package for easy figure arrangement.
  pb-diagram -- A commutative diagram package using LAMSTeX or Xy-pic fonts.
  petri-nets -- A set of TeX/LaTeX packages for drawing Petri nets.
  pgf-soroban -- Create images of a soroban (abacus) using TikZ/PGF.
  pgfopts -- LaTeX package options with pgfkeys.
  pgfplots -- Create normal/logarithmic plots in LaTeX.
  picinpar -- Insert pictures into paragraphs.
  pict2e -- New implementation of picture commands.
  pictex -- Picture drawing macros for TeX and LaTeX.
  pictex2 -- Adds relative coordinates and improves the \plot command.
  pinlabel -- A TeX labeling package.
  pmgraph -- "Poor man's" graphics.
  randbild -- Marginal pictures.
  schemabloc -- Draw block diagrams, using Tikz.
  swimgraf -- Graphical/textual representations of swimming performance.
  texdraw -- Graphical macros, using embedded PostScript.
  tikz-inet -- Draw interaction nets with TikZ.
  tikz-timing -- Easy generation of timing diagrams as TikZ pictures.
  tkz-doc -- Documentation macros for the TKZ series of packages.
  tkz-linknodes -- Link nodes in mathematical environments.
  tkz-tab -- Tables of signs and variations using PGF/TikZ.
  tufte-latex -- Document classes inspired by the work of Edward Tufte.
  xypic -- Flexible diagramming macros.

Package: texlive-luatex
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends}, luatex (>= 0.46.0-5), texlive-base (>= 2009-1), texlive-common (>= 2009-1)
Description: TeX Live: LuaTeX packages
 LuaTeX is a Unicode-aware extension of pdfTeX, using Lua as an
 embedded scripting and extension language (see http://luatex.org/).
 This is a collection of LuaTex-related CTAN packages, including:
  luainputenc -- Replacing inputenc for use in LuaTeX.
  luamplib -- Use LuaTeX's built-in MetaPost interpreter.
  luaotfload -- ConTeXt OTF loading system for Plain TeX and LaTeX.
  luatextra -- Additional macros for Plain TeX and LaTeX in LuaTeX.

Package: texlive-metapost
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends}, texlive-base (>= 2009-1), texlive-common (>= 2009-1), texlive-binaries (>= 2009-1)
Recommends: texlive-metapost-doc, feynmf  
Description: TeX Live: MetaPost (and Metafont) drawing packages
 This is a collection of CTAN packages to support drawing with MetaPost,
  automata -- Finite state machines, graphs, and trees in MetaPost.
  bbcard -- Bullshit bingo, calendar, and baseball-score cards.
  blockdraw_mp -- Block diagrams and bond graphs, with MetaPost.
  bpolynomial -- Drawing polynomial functions of up to order three.
  cmarrows -- MetaPost arrows and braces in the Computer Modern style.
  drv -- Derivation trees with MetaPost.
  dviincl -- Include a DVI page into MetaPost output.
  emp -- "Encapsulate" MetaPost figures in a document.
  epsincl -- Include EPS in MetaPost figures.
  expressg -- Diagrams consisting of boxes, lines, and annotations.
  exteps -- Include EPS figures in MetaPost.
  featpost -- MetaPost macros for 3D.
  garrigues -- MetaPost macros to reproduce Garrigues' Easter nomogram.
  hatching -- MetaPost macros for hatching interiors of closed paths.
  latexmp -- Interface for LaTeX-based typesetting in MetaPost.
  metago -- MetaPost output of Go positions.
  metaobj -- MetaPost package providing high-level objects.
  metaplot -- Plot-manipulation macros for use in Metapost.
  metapost -- A development of MetaFont for creating graphics.
  metauml -- MetaPost library for typesetting UML diagrams.
  mfpic -- Draw MetaFont/Post pictures from (La)TeX commands.
  mfpic4ode -- Macros to draw direction fields and solutions of ODEs.
  mp3d -- 3D animations.
  mpattern -- Patterns in MetaPost.
  piechartmp -- Draw pie-charts using MetaPost.
  roex -- Supports ROunded-EXponential auditory filter models.
  slideshow -- Generate slideshow with MetaPost.
  splines -- MetaPost macros for drawing cubic spline interpolants.
  suanpan -- MetaPost macros for drawing a Chinese or Japanese abacus.
  textpath -- Setting text along a path with MetaPost.

Package: texlive-omega
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends}, texlive-base (>= 2009-1), texlive-common (>= 2009-1), texlive-binaries (>= 2009-1), texlive-latex-base (>= 2009-1)
Replaces: texlive-fonts-extra-doc (<< 2008)
Description: TeX Live: Omega packages
 Omega is a 16-bit extended TeX by John Plaice and Yannis Haralambous.
 This is a collection of Omega-related CTAN packages, including:
  antomega -- Alternative language support for Omega/Lambda.
  lambda -- LaTeX format based on the Omega engine.
  mxd -- Support for Mongolian "horizontal" (Xewtee Dorwoljin) script.
  mxedruli -- A pair of Georgian fonts.
  omega -- A wide-character-set extension of TeX.
  aleph -- Extended TeX.

Package: texlive-xetex
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends}, texlive-base (>= 2009-1), texlive-common (>= 2009-1), texlive-binaries (>= 2009-1), texlive-latex-base (>= 2009-1)
Recommends: lmodern
Description: TeX Live: XeTeX packages
 XeTeX is a Unicode/OpenType-enabled TeX by Jonathan Kew
 (see http://scripts.sil.org/xetex). This is a collection of
 XeTeX-related CTAN packages, including:
  arabxetex -- An ArabTeX-like interface for XeLaTeX.
  euenc -- Unicode font encoding definitions for XeTeX.
  bidi -- Support for bidirectional typesetting with XeLaTeX.
  fontspec -- An automatic interface to feature-rich fonts in XeLaTeX.
  fontwrap -- Bind fonts to specific Unicode blocks.
  harvardkyoto -- XeTeX input map for Unicode Devanagari.
  mathspec -- Specify arbitrary fonts for mathematics in XeTeX.
  philokalia -- A font to typeset the Philokalia Books.
  polyglossia -- Modern multilingual typesetting with XeLaTeX.
  xecjk -- Support for CJK documents in XeLaTeX.
  xecolour -- Support for color in XeLaTeX.
  xecyr -- Using Cyrillic languages in XeTeX.
  xepersian -- Persian for LaTeX over XeTeX.
  xetex -- The basic XeTeX package.
  xetex-def -- Color and graphics support for XeTeX.
  xetex-pstricks -- Running PStricks under XeTeX.
  xetexconfig -- A configurator for a XeTeX system.
  xetexfontinfo -- Report font features in XeTeX.
  xltxtra -- "Extras" for LaTeX users of XeTeX.
  xunicode -- Generate Unicode characters from accented glyphs.

Package: texlive
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends}, texlive-fonts-recommended (>= 2009-1), texlive-latex-recommended (>= 2009-1), texlive-latex-base (>= 2009-1)
Suggests: texlive-doc-en
Description: TeX Live: selective metapackage
 The TeX Live software distribution offers a complete TeX system.
 It encompasses programs for typesetting, previewing, and printing
 of TeX documents in many different languages, and a large collection
 of TeX macros and font libraries.
 The distribution also includes extensive general documentation about
 TeX, as well as the documentation accompanying the included software
 This metapackage provides a decent selection of the TeX Live packages
 which should suffice for the most common tasks.

Package: texlive-full
Architecture: all
Depends: texlive-humanities (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-swedish (>= 2009-1), texlive-humanities-doc (>= 2009-1), texlive-doc-es (>= 2009-1), texlive-doc-en (>= 2009-1), texlive-fonts-extra (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-french (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-tibetan (>= 2009-1), texlive-doc-ja (>= 2009-1), texlive-doc-cs+sk (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-czechslovak (>= 2009-1), texlive-games (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-ukenglish (>= 2009-1), texlive-doc-th (>= 2009-1), texlive-base (>= 2009-1), texlive-fonts-recommended-doc (>= 2009-1), texlive-doc-fi (>= 2009-1), texlive-pstricks-doc (>= 2009-1), texlive-math-extra (>= 2009-1), texlive-science-doc (>= 2009-1), texlive-generic-extra (>= 2009-1), texlive-latex3 (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-hebrew (>= 2009-1), texlive-doc-bg (>= 2009-1), texlive-formats-extra (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-finnish (>= 2009-1), psutils, texlive-plain-extra (>= 2009-1), texlive-doc-de (>= 2009-1), texlive-pictures (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-polish (>= 2009-1), latex-xcolor (>= 2.09-1), texlive-doc-pt (>= 2009-1), texlive-doc-mn (>= 2009-1), texlive-latex-extra-doc (>= 2009-1), texlive-pstricks (>= 2009-1), texlive-fonts-recommended (>= 2009-1), texlive-doc-base (>= 2009-1), texlive-latex-recommended-doc (>= 2009-1), texlive-doc-it (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-cyrillic (>= 2009-1), texlive-metapost (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-vietnamese (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-croatian (>= 2009-1), texlive-generic-recommended (>= 2009-1), t1utils, texlive-lang-other (>= 2009-1), texlive-metapost-doc (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-arabic (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-latvian (>= 2009-1), texlive-doc-si (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-african (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-german (>= 2009-1), texlive-latex-base-doc (>= 2009-1), feynmf, texlive-latex-extra (>= 2009-1), texlive-doc-tr (>= 2009-1), pgf (>= 1.01.dfsg.1-1), texlive-lang-greek (>= 2009-1), latexmk, texlive-lang-spanish (>= 2009-1), texlive-font-utils (>= 2009-1), ${misc:Depends}, fragmaster, texlive-binaries (>= 2009-1), texlive-doc-zh (>= 2009-1), texlive-doc-ru (>= 2009-1), cm-super (>= 0.3.3-3), texlive-doc-uk (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-lithuanian (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-armenian (>= 2009-1), texlive-doc-fr (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-norwegian (>= 2009-1), texlive-music (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-portuguese (>= 2009-1), texlive-doc-pl (>= 2009-1), texlive-publishers-doc (>= 2009-1), texlive-doc-nl (>= 2009-1), texlive-doc-vi (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-indic (>= 2009-1), texlive-science (>= 2009-1), texlive-xetex (>= 2009-1), info (>= 4.8), texlive-latex-base (>= 2009-1), texlive-publishers (>= 2009-1), texlive-bibtex-extra (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-latin (>= 2009-1), texlive-luatex (>= 2009-1), texlive-fonts-extra-doc (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-danish (>= 2009-1), texlive-pictures-doc (>= 2009-1), context, latex-beamer (>= 3.06.dfsg.1-0.1), texlive-lang-italian (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-dutch (>= 2009-1), texlive-common (>= 2009-1), texlive-latex-recommended (>= 2009-1), texlive-doc-ko (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-hungarian (>= 2009-1), texlive-extra-utils (>= 2009-1), texlive-omega (>= 2009-1), texinfo (>= 4.8), texlive-lang-mongolian (>= 2009-1)
Recommends: tex4ht (>= 20051214-1), latex-cjk-all (>= 4.6.0+cvs20060714-2), lcdf-typetools, dvipng
Suggests: passivetex (>> 1.25-2), jadetex (>= 3.13-7.1), xmltex (>> 1.9-11.1)
Description: TeX Live: comprehensive metapackage
 The TeX Live software distribution offers a complete TeX system.
 It encompasses programs for typesetting, previewing, and printing
 of TeX documents in many different languages, and a large collection
 of TeX macros and font libraries.
 The distribution also includes extensive general documentation about
 TeX, as well as the documentation accompanying the included software
 This metapackage provides a full TeX Live system.

Package: texlive-common
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends}, tex-common (>= 2.0)
Conflicts: texlive-base (<< 2009-1), texlive-doc-es (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-latvian (<< 2009-1), texlive-bibtex-extra (<< 2009-1), texlive-doc-uk (<< 2009-1), texlive-doc-pl (<< 2009-1), texlive-doc-ko (<< 2009-1), texlive-doc-fr (<< 2009-1), texlive-publishers-doc (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-spanish (<< 2009-1), texlive-metapost (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-other (<< 2009-1), texlive-metapost-doc (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-croatian (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-czechslovak (<< 2009-1), texlive-humanities-doc (<< 2009-1), texlive-games (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-african (<< 2009-1), texlive-fonts-recommended (<< 2009-1), texlive-pictures-doc (<< 2009-1), texlive-fonts-extra (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-dutch (<< 2009-1), texlive-doc-zh (<< 2009-1), texlive-latex-recommended-doc (<< 2009-1), texlive-binaries (<< 2009-1), texlive-common (<< 2009-1), texlive-latex3 (<< 2009-1), texlive-science (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-polish (<< 2009-1), texlive (<< 2009-1), texlive-latex-base (<< 2009-1), texlive-luatex (<< 2009-1), texlive-pictures (<< 2009-1), texlive-base-bin (<< 2008), texlive-latex-recommended (<< 2009-1), texlive-humanities (<< 2009-1), texlive-doc-bg (<< 2009-1), texlive-generic-extra (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-armenian (<< 2009-1), texlive-fonts-recommended-doc (<< 2009-1), texlive-doc-it (<< 2009-1), texlive-doc-mn (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-indic (<< 2009-1), texlive-pstricks-doc (<< 2009-1), texlive-doc-ja (<< 2009-1), texlive-math-extra (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-cyrillic (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-finnish (<< 2009-1), texlive-doc-nl (<< 2009-1), texlive-formats-extra (<< 2009-1), texlive-omega (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-italian (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-latin (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-hebrew (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-hungarian (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-lithuanian (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-all (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-arabic (<< 2009-1), texlive-doc-en (<< 2009-1), texlive-doc-tr (<< 2009-1), texlive-doc-de (<< 2009-1), texlive-latex-extra (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-swedish (<< 2009-1), texlive-doc-pt (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-vietnamese (<< 2009-1), texlive-doc-fi (<< 2009-1), texlive-doc-base (<< 2009-1), texlive-doc-ru (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-tibetan (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-french (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-ukenglish (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-german (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-norwegian (<< 2009-1), texlive-generic-recommended (<< 2009-1), texlive-pstricks (<< 2009-1), texlive-extra-utils (<< 2009-1), texlive-doc-th (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-greek (<< 2009-1), texlive-doc-cs+sk (<< 2009-1), texlive-fonts-extra-doc (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-mongolian (<< 2009-1), texlive-latex-base-doc (<< 2009-1), texlive-latex-extra-doc (<< 2009-1), texlive-music (<< 2009-1), texlive-plain-extra (<< 2009-1), texlive-full (<< 2009-1), texlive-science-doc (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-danish (<< 2009-1), texlive-doc-vi (<< 2009-1), texlive-xetex (<< 2009-1), texlive-font-utils (<< 2009-1), texlive-publishers (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-portuguese (<< 2009-1), texlive-doc-si (<< 2009-1)
Description: TeX Live: base component
 The TeX Live software distribution offers a complete TeX system.
 It encompasses programs for typesetting, previewing, and printing
 of TeX documents in many different languages, and a large collection
 of TeX macros and font libraries.
 The distribution also includes extensive general documentation about
 TeX, as well as the documentation accompanying the included software
 This package provides a common base for all TeX Live packages.

Package: texlive-fonts-recommended-doc
Section: doc
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends}, texlive-common (>= 2009-1)
Replaces: texlive-fonts-recommended (<= 2007-12)
Description: TeX Live: documentation files for texlive-fonts-recommended
 This package provides the documentation for texlive-fonts-recommended.

Package: texlive-latex-base-doc
Section: doc
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends}, texlive-common (>= 2009-1)
Replaces: texlive-latex-base (<= 2007-12), texlive-latex-recommended-doc (<< 2008)
Description: TeX Live: documentation files for texlive-latex-base
 This package provides the documentation for texlive-latex-base.

Package: texlive-latex-recommended-doc
Section: doc
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends}, texlive-common (>= 2009-1)
Replaces: texlive-latex-recommended (<= 2007-12), texlive-latex-extra-doc (<< 2008)
Description: TeX Live: documentation files for texlive-latex-recommended
 This package provides the documentation for texlive-latex-recommended.

Package: texlive-metapost-doc
Section: doc
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends}, texlive-common (>= 2009-1)
Replaces: texlive-metapost (<= 2007-14)
Description: TeX Live: documentation files for texlive-metapost
 This package provides the documentation for texlive-metapost.

Package: texlive-pictures-doc
Section: doc
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends}, texlive-common (>= 2009-1)
Replaces: texlive-pictures (<= 2007-12)
Description: TeX Live: documentation files for texlive-pictures
 This package provides the documentation for texlive-pictures.
diff -ru old/control new/control
--- old/control	2011-08-04 19:04:41.605960791 +0100
+++ new/control	2011-08-07 21:10:11.278294262 +0100
@@ -16,26 +16,26 @@
 Provides: dvipdfmx
 Suggests: perl-tk, ghostscript, xpdf-reader | pdf-viewer, gv | postscript-viewer
 Replaces: texlive-xetex (<< 2008), dvipdfmx, luatex (<< 0.45.0), texlive-base-bin-doc
-Description: TeX Live: Essential programs and files
+Description: TeX Live: essential programs and files
  These files are regarded as basic for any TeX system, covering plain TeX
-   macros, Computer Modern fonts, and configuration for common drivers; no
-   LaTeX.
+ macros, Computer Modern fonts, and configuration for common drivers; no
+ LaTeX.
  This package includes the following CTAN packages:
   amsfonts -- TeX fonts from the American Mathematical Society.
-  apalike -- APA-like citations
+  apalike -- APA-like citations.
   bibtex -- Process bibliographies for LaTeX, etc.
   cm -- Computer Modern fonts.
   dvipdfm -- A DVI driver to produce PDF directly.
   dvipdfmx -- An extended version of dvipdfm.
-  dvipdfmx-def --
+  dvipdfmx-def -- A graphics driver for dvipdfmx.
   dvips -- A DVI to PostScript driver.
   enctex -- A TeX extension that translates input on its way into TeX.
   etex -- An extended version of TeX, from the NTS project.
   etex-pkg -- E-TeX support package.
   gsftopk -- Convert "ghostscript fonts" to PK files.
   hyph-utf8 -- Hyphenation patterns expressed in UTF-8.
-  hyphen-base --
+  hyphen-base -- Core hyphenation patterns.
   ifluatex -- Provides the \ifluatex switch.
   ifxetex -- Am I running under XeTeX?
   kpathsea -- Path searching library for TeX-related files.
@@ -43,13 +43,13 @@
   metafont -- A system for specifying fonts.
   mflogo -- LaTeX support for MetaFont logo fonts.
   mfware -- Supporting tools for use with MetaFont.
-  misc --
+  misc -- Miscellaneous macros for TeX and MetaFont.
   pdftex -- A TeX extension for direct creation of PDF.
   plain -- The Plain TeX format.
-  tcdialog --
-  tetex -- scripts and files originally written for or included in teTeX
+  tcdialog -- Widgets for texconfig.
+  tetex -- Scripts and files originally written for or included in teTeX
   tex -- A sophisticated typesetting engine.
-  texconfig --
+  texconfig -- A configurator for a TeX system.
   xdvi -- A DVI previewer for the X Window System.
   texdoc -- Documentation access for TeX distributions.
@@ -57,13 +57,12 @@
 Architecture: all
 Depends: ${misc:Depends}, texlive-base (>= 2009-1), texlive-common (>= 2009-1)
 Replaces: texlive-base (<< 2008)
-Description: TeX Live: Recommended generic packages
- Recommended packages that work with multiple formats.
- .
- This package includes the following CTAN packages:
+Description: TeX Live: recommended generic packages
+ This is a set of recommended CTAN packages that work with multiple formats,
+ including:
   epsf -- Simple macros for EPS inclusion.
   fontname -- Scheme for naming fonts in TeX.
-  genmisc --
+  genmisc -- Miscellaneous files for generic TeX packages.
   multido -- A loop facility for Generic TeX.
   tex-ps -- TeX to PostScript generic macros and add-ons.
@@ -73,35 +72,33 @@
 Conflicts: ivritex (<= 1.1.1-5)
 Recommends: texlive-latex-base-doc
 Replaces: texlive-formats-extra, texlive-base-bin (<< 2008), texlive-metapost (<< 2008), texlive-latex-recommended (<< 2008)
-Description: TeX Live: Basic LaTeX packages
- These packages are mandated by the core LaTeX team, or at least very
-   strongly recommended.
- .
- This package includes the following CTAN packages:
+Description: TeX Live: basic LaTeX packages
+ This is a set of CTAN packages mandated or at least very strongly
+ recommended by the core LaTeX team, including:
   ae -- Virtual fonts for T1 encoded CMR-fonts.
   amscls -- AMS document classes for LaTeX.
   amsmath -- AMS mathematical facilities for LaTeX.
   babel -- Multilingual support for Plain TeX or LaTeX.
   babelbib -- Multilingual bibliographies.
   carlisle -- David Carlisle's small packages.
-  colortbl -- Add colour to LaTeX tables.
+  colortbl -- Add color to LaTeX tables.
   fancyhdr -- Extensive control of page headers and footers in LaTeX2e.
   geometry -- Flexible and complete interface to document dimensions.
   graphics -- Standard LaTeX graphics.
   hyperref -- Extensive support for hypertext in LaTeX.
-  latex -- the basic LaTeX package.
+  latex -- The basic LaTeX package.
   latex-bin -- LaTeX executables and man pages.
   latex-fonts -- A collection of fonts used in LaTeX distributions.
-  latexconfig --
+  latexconfig -- A configurator for a LaTeX system;
   ltxmisc -- Miscellaneous LaTeX packages, etc.
   mfnfss -- Packages to typeset oldgerman and pandora fonts in LaTeX.
   natbib -- Flexible bibliography support.
   oberdiek -- A bundle of packages submitted by Heiko Oberdiek.
-  pdftex-def -- Colour and Graphics support for PDFTeX.
+  pdftex-def -- Color and graphics support for PDFTeX.
   pslatex -- Use PostScript fonts by default.
   psnfss -- Font support for common PostScript fonts.
   pspicture -- PostScript picture support.
-  supp-pdf -- native MetaPost graphics inclusion
+  supp-pdf -- Native MetaPost graphics inclusion.
   tools -- The LaTeX standard tools bundle.
 Package: texlive-latex-recommended
@@ -110,20 +107,18 @@
 Conflicts: texlive-base-bin (<< 2008)
 Recommends: texlive-latex-recommended-doc, prosper (>= 1.00.4+cvs.2006.10.22-1), latex-beamer (>= 3.06.dfsg.1-0.1), latex-xcolor (>= 2.09-1)
 Replaces: texlive-latex-recommended-doc (<< 2008), texlive-latex-extra (<< 2008)
-Description: TeX Live: LaTeX recommended packages
- A collection of recommended add-on packages for LaTeX which have widespread
-   use
- .
- This package includes the following CTAN packages:
+Description: TeX Live: recommended LaTeX packages
+ This is a collection of recommended add-on CTAN packages for LaTeX
+ which are widely used, including:
   anysize -- A simple package to set up document margins.
   booktabs -- Publication quality tables in LaTeX
-  caption -- Customising captions in floating environments.
+  caption -- Customizing captions in floating environments.
   cite -- Improved citation handling in LaTeX.
   citeref -- Add reference-page-list to bibliography-items.
   cmap -- Make PDF files searchable and copyable.
   crop -- Support for cropmarks.
   ctable -- Easily typeset centered tables.
-  ec -- Computer modern fonts in T1 and TS1 encodings.
+  ec -- Computer Modern fonts in T1 and TS1 encodings.
   eso-pic -- Add picture commands (or backgrounds) to every page.
   euler -- Use AMS Euler fonts for math.
   extsizes -- Extend the standard classes' size options.
@@ -134,10 +129,10 @@
   fp -- Fixed point arithmetic.
   index -- Extended index for LaTeX including multiple indexes.
   jknapltx -- LaTeX support for Jörg Knappen's fonts.
-  koma-script -- A bundle of versatile classes and packages
+  koma-script -- A bundle of versatile classes and packages.
   listings -- Typeset source code listings using LaTeX.
   mdwtools -- Miscellaneous tools by Mark Wooding.
-  memoir -- Typeset fiction, non-fiction and mathematical books.
+  memoir -- Typeset fiction, non-fiction, and mathematical books.
   metalogo -- Extended TeX logo macros.
   microtype -- An interface to the micro-typographic features of pdfTeX.
   ms -- Various LaTeX packages by Martin Schroder.
@@ -158,35 +153,33 @@
 Architecture: all
 Depends: ${misc:Depends}, texlive-base (>= 2009-1), texlive-common (>= 2009-1)
 Recommends: texlive-fonts-recommended-doc, tipa (>= 2:1.2-2.1)
-Description: TeX Live: Recommended fonts
- .
- This package includes the following CTAN packages:
-  avantgar -- the URW Avantgar fonts and support for the Adobe font set.
-  bookman -- the URW Bookman fonts and support for the Adobe font set.
+Description: TeX Live: recommended fonts
+ This is a collection of CTAN packaged fonts, including:
+  avantgar -- The URW Avantgar fonts and support for the Adobe font set.
+  bookman -- The URW Bookman fonts and support for the Adobe font set.
   charter -- Charter fonts.
-  cmextra --
+  cmextra -- "Standard" fonts not used by LaTeX itself.
   courier -- Adobe Type 1 "free" copies of Courier.
-  euro -- Provide Euro values for national currency amounts.
+  euro -- Provide euro values for national currency amounts.
   euro-ce -- Euro and CE sign font.
   eurofont -- Provides a command that prints a euro symbol.
   eurosans -- Interface to Adobe's sans-serif Euro font.
-  eurosym -- MetaFont and macros for Euro sign.
-  fpl -- SC and OsF fonts for URW Palladio L
-  helvetic -- the URW Helvetiva fonts and support for the Adobe font set.
+  eurosym -- MetaFont and macros for euro sign.
+  fpl -- SC and OsF fonts for URW Palladio L.
+  helvetic -- URW Helvetiva fonts and support for the Adobe font set.
   marvosym -- Martin Vogel's Symbols (marvosym) font.
   mathpazo -- Fonts to typeset mathematics to match Palatino.
-  ncntrsbk -- the URW New Century Schoolbook fonts and support for the Adobe
-   font set.
-  palatino --
+  ncntrsbk -- URW New Century Schoolbook and support for the Adobe font set.
+  palatino -- URW Palladio font (a Palatino clone).
   pxfonts -- Palatino-like fonts in support of mathematics.
   rsfs -- Ralph Smith's Formal Script font.
-  symbol --
+  symbol -- Standard Symbol font.
   times -- Select Adobe Times Roman (or equivalent) as default font.
   timesnew -- the URW Times fonts and support for the Adobe font set.
   txfonts -- Times-like fonts in support of mathematics.
   utopia -- Adobe Utopia fonts.
   wasy -- The wasy fonts (Waldi symbol fonts).
-  wasysym -- LaTeX support file to use the WASY2 fonts
+  wasysym -- LaTeX support file to use the WASY2 fonts.
   zapfchan -- the URW Zapf Chancery font and support for the Adobe font.
   zapfding -- the URW Zapf Dingbat font and support for the Adobe font.
@@ -195,46 +188,45 @@
 Depends: ${misc:Depends}, texlive-base (>= 2009-1), luatex, texlive-common (>= 2009-1), texlive-binaries (>= 2009-1)
 Recommends: texlive-pictures-doc, pgf (>= 1.01.dfsg.1-1)
 Suggests: dot2tex
-Description: TeX Live: Graphics packages and programs
- .
- This package includes the following CTAN packages:
+Description: TeX Live: graphics packages and programs
+ This is a collection of graphics-related CTAN packages, including:
   asyfig -- Commands for using Asymptote figures.
   autoarea -- Automatic computation of bounding boxes with PiCTeX.
-  bardiag -- LateX package for drawing bar diagrams.
+  bardiag -- LaTeX package for drawing bar diagrams.
   cachepic -- Convert document fragments into graphics.
   circuitikz -- Draw electrical networks with TikZ.
-  curve -- A class for making curriculum vitae.
+  curve -- A class for making a Curriculum Vitae.
   curve2e -- Extensions for package pict2e.
-  curves -- Curves for LaTeX picture environment
-  dcpic -- Commutative diagrams in a LaTeX and TeX documents.
+  curves -- Curves for LaTeX picture environment.
+  dcpic -- Commutative diagrams in (La)TeX documents.
   diagmac2 -- Diagram macros, using pict2e.
   doc-pictex -- A summary list of PicTeX documentation.
   dottex -- Use dot code in LaTeX.
   dot2texi -- Create graphs within LaTeX using the dot2tex tool.
   dratex -- General drawing macros.
   eepic -- Extensions to epic and the LaTeX drawing tools.
-  epspdf -- Converter for PostScript, EPS and PDF.
+  epspdf -- Converter for PostScript, EPS, and PDF.
   epspdfconversion -- On-the-fly conversion of EPS to PDF.
   fig4latex -- Management of figures for large LaTeX documents.
   gnuplottex -- Embed Gnuplot commands in LaTeX documents.
   miniplot -- A package for easy figure arrangement.
   pb-diagram -- A commutative diagram package using LAMSTeX or Xy-pic fonts.
-  petri-nets -- A set TeX/LaTeX packages for drawing Petri nets.
-  pgf-soroban -- Create images of the soroban using TikZ/PGF.
+  petri-nets -- A set of TeX/LaTeX packages for drawing Petri nets.
+  pgf-soroban -- Create images of a soroban (abacus) using TikZ/PGF.
   pgfopts -- LaTeX package options with pgfkeys.
   pgfplots -- Create normal/logarithmic plots in LaTeX.
   picinpar -- Insert pictures into paragraphs.
   pict2e -- New implementation of picture commands.
   pictex -- Picture drawing macros for TeX and LaTeX.
   pictex2 -- Adds relative coordinates and improves the \plot command.
-  pinlabel -- A TeX labelling package.
+  pinlabel -- A TeX labeling package.
   pmgraph -- "Poor man's" graphics.
   randbild -- Marginal pictures.
   schemabloc -- Draw block diagrams, using Tikz.
-  swimgraf -- Graphical/textual representations of swimming performances
+  swimgraf -- Graphical/textual representations of swimming performance.
   texdraw -- Graphical macros, using embedded PostScript.
-  tikz-inet -- Draw interaction nets with TikZ
-  tikz-timing -- Easy generation of timing diagrams as tikz pictures.
+  tikz-inet -- Draw interaction nets with TikZ.
+  tikz-timing -- Easy generation of timing diagrams as TikZ pictures.
   tkz-doc -- Documentation macros for the TKZ series of packages.
   tkz-linknodes -- Link nodes in mathematical environments.
   tkz-tab -- Tables of signs and variations using PGF/TikZ.
@@ -245,13 +237,12 @@
 Architecture: all
 Depends: ${misc:Depends}, luatex (>= 0.46.0-5), texlive-base (>= 2009-1), texlive-common (>= 2009-1)
 Description: TeX Live: LuaTeX packages
- Packages for LuaTeX, a Unicode-aware extension of pdfTeX, using Lua  as an
-   embedded scripting and extension language. http://luatex.org/
- .
- This package includes the following CTAN packages:
+ LuaTeX is a Unicode-aware extension of pdfTeX, using Lua as an
+ embedded scripting and extension language (see http://luatex.org/).
+ This is a collection of LuaTex-related CTAN packages, including:
   luainputenc -- Replacing inputenc for use in LuaTeX.
   luamplib -- Use LuaTeX's built-in MetaPost interpreter.
-  luaotfload -- ConTeXt OTF loading system for Plain and LaTeX.
+  luaotfload -- ConTeXt OTF loading system for Plain TeX and LaTeX.
   luatextra -- Additional macros for Plain TeX and LaTeX in LuaTeX.
 Package: texlive-metapost
@@ -259,12 +250,12 @@
 Depends: ${misc:Depends}, texlive-base (>= 2009-1), texlive-common (>= 2009-1), texlive-binaries (>= 2009-1)
 Recommends: texlive-metapost-doc, feynmf  
 Description: TeX Live: MetaPost (and Metafont) drawing packages
- .
- This package includes the following CTAN packages:
-  automata -- Finite state machines, graphs and trees in MetaPost.
-  bbcard -- Bullshit bingo, calendar and baseball-score cards.
+ This is a collection of CTAN packages to support drawing with MetaPost,
+ including:
+  automata -- Finite state machines, graphs, and trees in MetaPost.
+  bbcard -- Bullshit bingo, calendar, and baseball-score cards.
   blockdraw_mp -- Block diagrams and bond graphs, with MetaPost.
-  bpolynomial -- Drawing polynomial functions of up to order 3.
+  bpolynomial -- Drawing polynomial functions of up to order three.
   cmarrows -- MetaPost arrows and braces in the Computer Modern style.
   drv -- Derivation trees with MetaPost.
   dviincl -- Include a DVI page into MetaPost output.
@@ -273,10 +264,9 @@
   expressg -- Diagrams consisting of boxes, lines, and annotations.
   exteps -- Include EPS figures in MetaPost.
   featpost -- MetaPost macros for 3D.
-  garrigues -- MetaPost macros for the reproduction of Garrigues' Easter
-   nomogram.
-  hatching -- MetaPost macros for hatching interior of closed paths.
-  latexmp -- Interface for LaTeX-based typesetting in MetaPost
+  garrigues -- MetaPost macros to reproduce Garrigues' Easter nomogram.
+  hatching -- MetaPost macros for hatching interiors of closed paths.
+  latexmp -- Interface for LaTeX-based typesetting in MetaPost.
   metago -- MetaPost output of Go positions.
   metaobj -- MetaPost package providing high-level objects.
   metaplot -- Plot-manipulation macros for use in Metapost.
@@ -287,54 +277,51 @@
   mp3d -- 3D animations.
   mpattern -- Patterns in MetaPost.
   piechartmp -- Draw pie-charts using MetaPost.
-  roex --
+  roex -- Supports ROunded-EXponential auditory filter models.
   slideshow -- Generate slideshow with MetaPost.
   splines -- MetaPost macros for drawing cubic spline interpolants.
-  suanpan -- MetaPost macros for drawing Chinese and Japanese abaci.
+  suanpan -- MetaPost macros for drawing a Chinese or Japanese abacus.
   textpath -- Setting text along a path with MetaPost.
 Package: texlive-omega
 Architecture: all
 Depends: ${misc:Depends}, texlive-base (>= 2009-1), texlive-common (>= 2009-1), texlive-binaries (>= 2009-1), texlive-latex-base (>= 2009-1)
 Replaces: texlive-fonts-extra-doc (<< 2008)
-Description: TeX Live: Omega
- Omega, a 16-bit extended TeX by John Plaice and Yannis Haralambous
- .
- This package includes the following CTAN packages:
+Description: TeX Live: Omega packages
+ Omega is a 16-bit extended TeX by John Plaice and Yannis Haralambous.
+ This is a collection of Omega-related CTAN packages, including:
   antomega -- Alternative language support for Omega/Lambda.
   lambda -- LaTeX format based on the Omega engine.
   mxd -- Support for Mongolian "horizontal" (Xewtee Dorwoljin) script.
   mxedruli -- A pair of Georgian fonts.
   omega -- A wide-character-set extension of TeX.
   aleph -- Extended TeX.
-  omegaware --
 Package: texlive-xetex
 Architecture: all
 Depends: ${misc:Depends}, texlive-base (>= 2009-1), texlive-common (>= 2009-1), texlive-binaries (>= 2009-1), texlive-latex-base (>= 2009-1)
 Recommends: lmodern
 Description: TeX Live: XeTeX packages
- Packages for XeTeX, the Unicode/OpenType-enabled TeX by Jonathan Kew,
-   http://scripts.sil.org/xetex.
- .
- This package includes the following CTAN packages:
+ XeTeX is a Unicode/OpenType-enabled TeX by Jonathan Kew
+ (see http://scripts.sil.org/xetex). This is a collection of
+ XeTeX-related CTAN packages, including:
   arabxetex -- An ArabTeX-like interface for XeLaTeX.
   euenc -- Unicode font encoding definitions for XeTeX.
   bidi -- Support for bidirectional typesetting with XeLaTeX.
   fontspec -- An automatic interface to feature-rich fonts in XeLaTeX.
-  fontwrap -- Bind fonts to specific unicode blocks.
+  fontwrap -- Bind fonts to specific Unicode blocks.
   harvardkyoto -- XeTeX input map for Unicode Devanagari.
   mathspec -- Specify arbitrary fonts for mathematics in XeTeX.
   philokalia -- A font to typeset the Philokalia Books.
   polyglossia -- Modern multilingual typesetting with XeLaTeX.
   xecjk -- Support for CJK documents in XeLaTeX.
-  xecolour -- Support for colour in XeLaTeX.
+  xecolour -- Support for color in XeLaTeX.
   xecyr -- Using Cyrillic languages in XeTeX.
   xepersian -- Persian for LaTeX over XeTeX.
-  xetex --
-  xetex-def -- Colour and graphics support for XeTeX.
+  xetex -- The basic XeTeX package.
+  xetex-def -- Color and graphics support for XeTeX.
   xetex-pstricks -- Running PStricks under XeTeX.
-  xetexconfig --
+  xetexconfig -- A configurator for a XeTeX system.
   xetexfontinfo -- Report font features in XeTeX.
   xltxtra -- "Extras" for LaTeX users of XeTeX.
   xunicode -- Generate Unicode characters from accented glyphs.
@@ -343,41 +330,43 @@
 Architecture: all
 Depends: ${misc:Depends}, texlive-fonts-recommended (>= 2009-1), texlive-latex-recommended (>= 2009-1), texlive-latex-base (>= 2009-1)
 Suggests: texlive-doc-en
-Description: TeX Live: A decent selection of the TeX Live packages
+Description: TeX Live: selective metapackage
  The TeX Live software distribution offers a complete TeX system.
- It encompasses programs for typesetting, previewing and printing
+ It encompasses programs for typesetting, previewing, and printing
  of TeX documents in many different languages, and a large collection
  of TeX macros and font libraries.
- This metapackage provides a decent selection of the TeX Live packages
- which should suffice for the most common tasks.
- .
  The distribution also includes extensive general documentation about
  TeX, as well as the documentation accompanying the included software
+ .
+ This metapackage provides a decent selection of the TeX Live packages
+ which should suffice for the most common tasks.
 Package: texlive-full
 Architecture: all
 Depends: texlive-humanities (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-swedish (>= 2009-1), texlive-humanities-doc (>= 2009-1), texlive-doc-es (>= 2009-1), texlive-doc-en (>= 2009-1), texlive-fonts-extra (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-french (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-tibetan (>= 2009-1), texlive-doc-ja (>= 2009-1), texlive-doc-cs+sk (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-czechslovak (>= 2009-1), texlive-games (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-ukenglish (>= 2009-1), texlive-doc-th (>= 2009-1), texlive-base (>= 2009-1), texlive-fonts-recommended-doc (>= 2009-1), texlive-doc-fi (>= 2009-1), texlive-pstricks-doc (>= 2009-1), texlive-math-extra (>= 2009-1), texlive-science-doc (>= 2009-1), texlive-generic-extra (>= 2009-1), texlive-latex3 (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-hebrew (>= 2009-1), texlive-doc-bg (>= 2009-1), texlive-formats-extra (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-finnish (>= 2009-1), psutils, texlive-plain-extra (>= 2009-1), texlive-doc-de (>= 2009-1), texlive-pictures (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-polish (>= 2009-1), latex-xcolor (>= 2.09-1), texlive-doc-pt (>= 2009-1), texlive-doc-mn (>= 2009-1), texlive-latex-extra-doc (>= 2009-1), texlive-pstricks (>= 2009-1), texlive-fonts-recommended (>= 2009-1), texlive-doc-base (>= 2009-1), texlive-latex-recommended-doc (>= 2009-1), texlive-doc-it (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-cyrillic (>= 2009-1), texlive-metapost (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-vietnamese (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-croatian (>= 2009-1), texlive-generic-recommended (>= 2009-1), t1utils, texlive-lang-other (>= 2009-1), texlive-metapost-doc (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-arabic (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-latvian (>= 2009-1), texlive-doc-si (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-african (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-german (>= 2009-1), texlive-latex-base-doc (>= 2009-1), feynmf, texlive-latex-extra (>= 2009-1), texlive-doc-tr (>= 2009-1), pgf (>= 1.01.dfsg.1-1), texlive-lang-greek (>= 2009-1), latexmk, texlive-lang-spanish (>= 2009-1), texlive-font-utils (>= 2009-1), ${misc:Depends}, fragmaster, texlive-binaries (>= 2009-1), texlive-doc-zh (>= 2009-1), texlive-doc-ru (>= 2009-1), cm-super (>= 0.3.3-3), texlive-doc-uk (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-lithuanian (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-armenian (>= 2009-1), texlive-doc-fr (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-norwegian (>= 2009-1), texlive-music (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-portuguese (>= 2009-1), texlive-doc-pl (>= 2009-1), texlive-publishers-doc (>= 2009-1), texlive-doc-nl (>= 2009-1), texlive-doc-vi (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-indic (>= 2009-1), texlive-science (>= 2009-1), texlive-xetex (>= 2009-1), info (>= 4.8), texlive-latex-base (>= 2009-1), texlive-publishers (>= 2009-1), texlive-bibtex-extra (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-latin (>= 2009-1), texlive-luatex (>= 2009-1), texlive-fonts-extra-doc (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-danish (>= 2009-1), texlive-pictures-doc (>= 2009-1), context, latex-beamer (>= 3.06.dfsg.1-0.1), texlive-lang-italian (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-dutch (>= 2009-1), texlive-common (>= 2009-1), texlive-latex-recommended (>= 2009-1), texlive-doc-ko (>= 2009-1), texlive-lang-hungarian (>= 2009-1), texlive-extra-utils (>= 2009-1), texlive-omega (>= 2009-1), texinfo (>= 4.8), texlive-lang-mongolian (>= 2009-1)
 Recommends: tex4ht (>= 20051214-1), latex-cjk-all (>= 4.6.0+cvs20060714-2), lcdf-typetools, dvipng
 Suggests: passivetex (>> 1.25-2), jadetex (>= 3.13-7.1), xmltex (>> 1.9-11.1)
-Description: TeX Live: metapackage pulling in all components of TeX Live
+Description: TeX Live: comprehensive metapackage
  The TeX Live software distribution offers a complete TeX system.
- It encompasses programs for typesetting, previewing and printing
+ It encompasses programs for typesetting, previewing, and printing
  of TeX documents in many different languages, and a large collection
  of TeX macros and font libraries.
  The distribution also includes extensive general documentation about
  TeX, as well as the documentation accompanying the included software
+ .
+ This metapackage provides a full TeX Live system.
 Package: texlive-common
 Architecture: all
 Depends: ${misc:Depends}, tex-common (>= 2.0)
 Conflicts: texlive-base (<< 2009-1), texlive-doc-es (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-latvian (<< 2009-1), texlive-bibtex-extra (<< 2009-1), texlive-doc-uk (<< 2009-1), texlive-doc-pl (<< 2009-1), texlive-doc-ko (<< 2009-1), texlive-doc-fr (<< 2009-1), texlive-publishers-doc (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-spanish (<< 2009-1), texlive-metapost (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-other (<< 2009-1), texlive-metapost-doc (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-croatian (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-czechslovak (<< 2009-1), texlive-humanities-doc (<< 2009-1), texlive-games (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-african (<< 2009-1), texlive-fonts-recommended (<< 2009-1), texlive-pictures-doc (<< 2009-1), texlive-fonts-extra (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-dutch (<< 2009-1), texlive-doc-zh (<< 2009-1), texlive-latex-recommended-doc (<< 2009-1), texlive-binaries (<< 2009-1), texlive-common (<< 2009-1), texlive-latex3 (<< 2009-1), texlive-science (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-polish (<< 2009-1), texlive (<< 2009-1), texlive-latex-base (<< 2009-1), texlive-luatex (<< 2009-1), texlive-pictures (<< 2009-1), texlive-base-bin (<< 2008), texlive-latex-recommended (<< 2009-1), texlive-humanities (<< 2009-1), texlive-doc-bg (<< 2009-1), texlive-generic-extra (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-armenian (<< 2009-1), texlive-fonts-recommended-doc (<< 2009-1), texlive-doc-it (<< 2009-1), texlive-doc-mn (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-indic (<< 2009-1), texlive-pstricks-doc (<< 2009-1), texlive-doc-ja (<< 2009-1), texlive-math-extra (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-cyrillic (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-finnish (<< 2009-1), texlive-doc-nl (<< 2009-1), texlive-formats-extra (<< 2009-1), texlive-omega (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-italian (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-latin (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-hebrew (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-hungarian (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-lithuanian (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-all (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-arabic (<< 2009-1), texlive-doc-en (<< 2009-1), texlive-doc-tr (<< 2009-1), texlive-doc-de (<< 2009-1), texlive-latex-extra (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-swedish (<< 2009-1), texlive-doc-pt (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-vietnamese (<< 2009-1), texlive-doc-fi (<< 2009-1), texlive-doc-base (<< 2009-1), texlive-doc-ru (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-tibetan (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-french (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-ukenglish (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-german (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-norwegian (<< 2009-1), texlive-generic-recommended (<< 2009-1), texlive-pstricks (<< 2009-1), texlive-extra-utils (<< 2009-1), texlive-doc-th (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-greek (<< 2009-1), texlive-doc-cs+sk (<< 2009-1), texlive-fonts-extra-doc (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-mongolian (<< 2009-1), texlive-latex-base-doc (<< 2009-1), texlive-latex-extra-doc (<< 2009-1), texlive-music (<< 2009-1), texlive-plain-extra (<< 2009-1), texlive-full (<< 2009-1), texlive-science-doc (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-danish (<< 2009-1), texlive-doc-vi (<< 2009-1), texlive-xetex (<< 2009-1), texlive-font-utils (<< 2009-1), texlive-publishers (<< 2009-1), texlive-lang-portuguese (<< 2009-1), texlive-doc-si (<< 2009-1)
-Description: TeX Live: Base component
+Description: TeX Live: base component
  The TeX Live software distribution offers a complete TeX system.
- It encompasses programs for typesetting, previewing and printing
+ It encompasses programs for typesetting, previewing, and printing
  of TeX documents in many different languages, and a large collection
  of TeX macros and font libraries.
@@ -392,37 +381,37 @@
 Architecture: all
 Depends: ${misc:Depends}, texlive-common (>= 2009-1)
 Replaces: texlive-fonts-recommended (<= 2007-12)
-Description: TeX Live: Documentation files for texlive-fonts-recommended
- This package provides the documentation for texlive-fonts-recommended
+Description: TeX Live: documentation files for texlive-fonts-recommended
+ This package provides the documentation for texlive-fonts-recommended.
 Package: texlive-latex-base-doc
 Section: doc
 Architecture: all
 Depends: ${misc:Depends}, texlive-common (>= 2009-1)
 Replaces: texlive-latex-base (<= 2007-12), texlive-latex-recommended-doc (<< 2008)
-Description: TeX Live: Documentation files for texlive-latex-base
- This package provides the documentation for texlive-latex-base
+Description: TeX Live: documentation files for texlive-latex-base
+ This package provides the documentation for texlive-latex-base.
 Package: texlive-latex-recommended-doc
 Section: doc
 Architecture: all
 Depends: ${misc:Depends}, texlive-common (>= 2009-1)
 Replaces: texlive-latex-recommended (<= 2007-12), texlive-latex-extra-doc (<< 2008)
-Description: TeX Live: Documentation files for texlive-latex-recommended
- This package provides the documentation for texlive-latex-recommended
+Description: TeX Live: documentation files for texlive-latex-recommended
+ This package provides the documentation for texlive-latex-recommended.
 Package: texlive-metapost-doc
 Section: doc
 Architecture: all
 Depends: ${misc:Depends}, texlive-common (>= 2009-1)
 Replaces: texlive-metapost (<= 2007-14)
-Description: TeX Live: Documentation files for texlive-metapost
- This package provides the documentation for texlive-metapost
+Description: TeX Live: documentation files for texlive-metapost
+ This package provides the documentation for texlive-metapost.
 Package: texlive-pictures-doc
 Section: doc
 Architecture: all
 Depends: ${misc:Depends}, texlive-common (>= 2009-1)
 Replaces: texlive-pictures (<= 2007-12)
-Description: TeX Live: Documentation files for texlive-pictures
- This package provides the documentation for texlive-pictures
+Description: TeX Live: documentation files for texlive-pictures
+ This package provides the documentation for texlive-pictures.
diff -ru old/templates new/templates
--- old/templates	2011-08-04 19:04:40.449960858 +0100
+++ new/templates	2011-08-07 20:52:31.657960633 +0100
@@ -1,20 +1,22 @@
 Template: texlive-base/texconfig_ignorant
 Type: error
-_Description: TeX configuration cannot handle the system paper size ${libpaperPaper}
- Your system-wide paper size is set to ${libpaperPaper}. However, the
+_Description: Unmanageable system paper size (${libpaperPaper})
+ The currently defined system-wide paper size is ${libpaperPaper}. However, the
  TeX configuration system cannot handle this paper size for ${binary}.
  The setting will remain unchanged.
- For a list of paper sizes known for ${binary}, execute
+ The following command can show the list of known paper sizes for
+ ${binary}:
  texconfig ${binary_commandline} paper
 Template: texlive-base/binary_chooser
 Type: multiselect
-_Description: Choose TeX binaries that should use system paper size
- Currently, the TeX binaries have different default paper sizes set on
- this system.  Please choose which of them should get the system paper
- size, ${libpaperPaper}, as their default.
+_Description: TeX binaries that should use the system paper size:
+ This system's TeX binaries currently use different default paper
+ sizes. Please choose which of them should get the system paper size
+ (${libpaperPaper}) as their default.
 Choices: pdftex, dvips, dvipdfmx, xdvi
 Default: pdftex, dvips, dvipdfmx, xdvi

Reply to: