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Re: Request for review: python-cloudfiles description

On 10/23/2009 07:25 AM, Justin B Rye wrote:
> Michael Shuler wrote:
> (Underlining excess buzzwords)
>>>   Description: Rackspace Cloud Files service $LANGNAME interface
>>>    Cloud Files is a parallel, virtualized, distributed storage system run
>                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>>>    as a commercial web-based backup and archiving service. It is accessed
>>>    via a web services API, which requires a paid account with Rackspace.
>>>    .
>>>    This package provides a client-side Python module for the Cloud Files
>>>    REST API, supporting container and file object operations as well as
>       ^^^
>>>    CDN management.
>> Stating that Cloud Files is a backup and archiving service is not
>> exactly accurate, although it can be used for those purposes - much like
>> a hard disk is not a backup and archiving device.
> I could argue it is indeed "run as" such a service by Rackmount.
> How about passing the buck by saying it's "advertised as a
> commercial web-based (etc)"?

I tried working in "advertised" and "commercial" - didn't really feel
right.  For a user unfamiliar with the system and reading the package
description, I do think mentioning the need for a paid account is
helpful, and your wording is quite a bit better than my other tries.

>> There are
>> applications like duplicity and others that use the system to store and
>> retrieve data that I would call backup and archiving applications, but
>> Cloud Files is just the big disk in the sky.  Basically, Cloud Files is
>> the same kind of storage service as Amazon S3, for a frame of reference,
>> if that helps
> What other words for it haven't we tried yet?  "Online" (to replace
> one of the repetitions of "web"), "hosting"... "cloud" would be a
> bit redundant.  "Run as a commercial online data hosting service"?

"Online" works and it is part of the "official" description - thanks.

> Scanning the adverts, the parts we're echoing seem to focus on the
> "scalable storage" side; should we also throw in something about the
> supposed advantages in terms of fast access from arbitrary points on
> the Internet?  But it's hard to do that in few enough words.

I think a change to the first sentence gets pretty close for me,
trimming it down from the page title and product description. [0]
Personally, I prefer something simple and to leave all the speed
advantanges, etc. to the marketing folks for the web site.  That doesn't
belong in Debian, in my opinion.

How does this sound?

Description: Rackspace Cloud Files service Python interface
 Cloud Files provides unlimited online storage and CDN file delivery. It
 is accessed via a web services API, which requires a paid account with
 This package provides a client-side Python module for the Cloud Files
 REST API, supporting container and file object operations as well as
 CDN management.

s/Python/$LANG/ should work fine for the others, too.

[0] http://www.rackspacecloud.com/cloud_hosting_products/files

Kind Regards,

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