Re: Counting the troops
On Sun, Feb 22, 2009 at 07:50:31AM +0100, wrote:
> Quoting Esko Arajärvi (
> > Our situation is of course quite different from the more active teams which
> > have need for coordination. However, if the subject would be
> >
> > [RFR] Please review the debconf templates of sa-exim
> >
> > instead of
> >
> > [RFR] templates://sa-exim/{templates}
> >
> > wouldn't it be at least as good for all the human readers?
I agree with Ben and Esko that the first mail is more readable for human
being, but this is much more erro rprone.
I would expect typos
[RFR] Please review the debconf template of sa-exim
[RFR] Please revie the debconf templates of sa-exim
I would also expect people not understanding that it is used by a robot,
which would probably lead to mails like:
[RFR] Could anybody review the debconf templates of sa-exim
Putting the pseudo-URL in a header would do the trick, but headers are
more difficult to enter in a mail client than subjects. A pseudo header
could fix this.
Also, I liked the small URLs because they are a very condensed form of the
needed information. (e.g. With the default mutt configuration, on a 80
columns terminal, you only get 35 chars:
[RFR] Please review the debconf tem
[RFR] templates://sa-exim/templates
[RFR] Relecture de la traduction fr
> That would need modifications to the robot in order to parse such
> subjects....and it would then need language-specific parsing:
> [RFR] Relecture de la traduction française des modèles debconf de sa-exim
Supporting these translations would not be a problem, except for the
issues pointed above. Having a pseudo header would be preferred rather
than having to implement a Human Typo Safe parser.
I could support support both putting the pseudo URL on the subject or on
the pseudo-header, and let the teams decide on their processes.
For example, when a subject does not contain a pseudo-url, the robot
could parse the first lines of the body and use them as a commands if they
start with "Dl10n:" (comments and a terminating thanks could also be
Subject: Please review the debconf templates of sa-exim
Dl10n: [RFR] templates://sa-exim/templates
Subject: Administration of the robot
Dl10n: [DONE] templates://sa-exim/templates
Dl10n: [DONE] templates://.../templates
All these have been fixed without a bug, hence closing for the robot.
This cannot be implemented directly with the current robot, but a new
robot is being implemented, which could support it easily.
Just let me know.
Best Regards,
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