Re: [LCFC] filelight's description
Christian Perrier wrote:
>> - Allows you to exactly understand exactly your disk usage by
>> - graphically representating your filesystem as a set of concentric
>> - segmented-rings.
>> + Filelight allows you to understand your disk usage by graphically
>> + representing your filesystem as a set of concentric, segmented rings.
> In my crusade against the "personnification" (en?), I'd propose a more
> neutral:
> Filelight allows understanding the disk usage by graphically
> representing the filesystem as.....
> Maye better English possible but I think you get the point..:-)
The version with "you" is good; the version without is broken, and
I'm not going to help fix it. Second person is perfectly
appropriate for this sort of context. It's referentially
unambiguous, it's gender-neutral and number-neutral, and it
simplifies the syntax of queries and instructions. I call for a
jihad in *favour* of second-person pronouns.
Ankh kak! (Ancient Egyptian blessing)
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