debian-l10n-dutch Mar 2020 by subject
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[BTS#953422] po://shadow
[BTS#953987] po://galternatives
[BTS#953988] po-debconf://kwartz-client
[RFR] d-i://packages/po/sublevel1/nl.po
[RFR] d-i://packages/po/sublevel2/nl.po
[RFR] po-debconf://bilibop
[RFR] po-debconf://nagvis
[RFR] po4a://apt
[RFR] po://apt
[RFR] po://aptitude
[RFR] po://debian-edu-doc/documentation/debian-edu-bullseye/
[RFR] po://debian-edu-doc/documentation/debian-edu-buster/
[RFR] webwml://
[RFR] webwml://
[RFR] webwml://
[RFR] webwml://
[RFR] webwml://
[RFR] webwml://
[RFR] webwml://
[RFR] webwml://
[RFR] webwml://
[RFR] webwml://
[RFR] webwml://
The last update was on 20:40 GMT Mon Mar 30. There are 23 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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