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Re: could I install Knoppix with debootstrap?

On May 17, 2006, at 2:21 AM, Gilles van Ruymbeke wrote:
Hi Robert,
Q: Do you or anyone else know of an initrd that works with Knoppix's Linux kernel v2.6.12 ?

A: The linux Kernel v2.6.12 which is used by Knoppix 4.02 and
the boot ramdisk minirt_ntfs.gz both contained inside the link:
[4] http://s94002264.onlinehome.us/grub/kno402.zip referred by
[3] http://knoppix.net/wiki/Win_Partition and
[5] http://www.knoppix.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=11796
will not only allow you to boot Knoppix from the iso file being on a ntfs partitions,
but also from fat16/32, reiser, or ext2/3.

OK. So, it should work. And it sort of does. Grub shows the menu. The kernel loads. It then looks for the ISO and returns an error, something like "could not mount /dev/hda1/k402.iso". The error flashed too fast on the screen for me to write down. In the end, the kernel drops me into a minimal ash shell. I know the ISO can be mounted because I can boot using the CD and using the bootfrom= cheatcode. Here are some details on my setup after booting from the Knoppix CD:

root@0[~]# tree /mnt/hda1/
|-- boot
|   |-- grub
|   |   |-- device.map
|   |   |-- e2fs_stage1_5
|   |   |-- fat_stage1_5
|   |   |-- jfs_stage1_5
|   |   |-- menu.lst
|   |   |-- minix_stage1_5
|   |   |-- reiserfs_stage1_5
|   |   |-- stage1
|   |   |-- stage2
|   |   `-- xfs_stage1_5
|   |-- linux
|   |-- memtest
|   |-- menu.lst
|   `-- minirt_ntfs.gz
|-- k402.iso
|-- knoppix.img
|-- knoppix.swp
`-- lost+found

root@0[~]# cat /mnt/hda1/boot/grub/menu.lst
# GvR September 24th 2005
        color black/cyan yellow/cyan

title Knoppix 4.0.2 CD&DVD Patch Update 2005-09-23 from ISO
kernel (hd0,0)/boot/linux ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init lang=us apm=power-off vga=791 nomce quiet bootfrom=/dev/hda1/k402.iso noprompt dma screen=1600x1200 lang=us noeject 3
        initrd (hd0,0)/boot/minirt_ntfs.gz

title Memory test
        kernel (hd0,0)/boot/memtest

root@0[~]# cat /proc/cmdline
ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init lang=us apm=power-off vga=791 initrd=minirt.gz nomce quiet BOOT_IMAGE=knoppix BOOT_IMAGE=linux bootfrom=/dev/hda1/k402.iso 3

root@0[~]# df -HTl /mnt/hda1/
Filesystem    Type     Size   Used  Avail Use% Mounted on
              ext3     3.2G   953M   2.1G  32% /mnt/hda1

Am I overlooking something obvious? Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

- Robert
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