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Re: [debian-knoppix] Knoppix installed on HD: still not a standard Debian!

On August 1, 2003 05:58 pm, Kai Lahmann wrote:

> Am Donnerstag, 31. Juli 2003 21:26 schrieb Gilles Pelletier:

> Why should Knoppix be a standard Debian? Standard Debian is
> outdated and it's users need to do everything by hand. The
> Knoppix-Idea is to do everything automatically, what can be
> done automatically.

I meant a standard Debian filesystem. You know, you type mkrescue, 
and it finds the right file and it makes the boot disk.

> The HD-Installer will get the "1.0" as the point, it'll produce
> a system, which works as good as the system on the CD currently
> does. 

I"m certainly eager to see this. But, you know, as Gates and 
Ballmer put it, most of the programming time is spent correcting 
bugs, checking what happens when the wrong button is pressed. 
It's not always a hurray, hoopla business. 

Every time I've seen all the bugs corrected and it was not 
commercial software, it's because somebody felt personnaly 
responsible, that his name was clearly identified to the project. 
I wonder if Fabian feels, or even can feel, responsible in the 
present situation...

> This is way more complicate, because the people expect a
> faster boot and expect all prefs to be saved. 

I wouldn't care so much about a fast boot -- my computer can boot 
while I'm eating my toasts :) -- but I certainly expect not to 
have to reconfigure all prefs every time I boot.

> Also we need to
> find a way that stock-debian packages (which will be required
> forever because they are a perfect base) do not kill the
> installation.

Oups! This almost means starting a new Debian distro... And, for 
now, it seems Debian developpers are not so keen providing the 
installer with their stable distro.

> > 1%... or less of the visits to Google are made with Linux!
> what do you want to say with that? Linux doesn't only need to
> be better than Windows, the people need to know, that it's
> better. 

Well... I been telling them just that and they looked at me and 
laughed. Today, I find I look ridiculous for telling lies.

I suppose you"ll agree that Knoppix is far from ready for the 
desktop. I just retried installing Slackware, and took every care 
possible so that even my hda1 Slack 8.1 swap partition would be 
used by my hdb Slack 9 partition. And I still can't boot to 8.1 
without a boot floppy.

With 8.1, after lots of retries, I found out bare.i wouldn't do 
for my all ide system. I had to install the scsi.s kernel . Maybe 
because I had a scsi emulation module for my ide CD-RM. Dunno.

Then the said CD-RW wouldn't work, even just for reading, and I 
was told to RTFM. Everybody on alt.os.linux.slackware surely knew 
about the problem, noboby gave the answer. And it wasn't in the 
archives either, save for an old message which things almost 
right. The answer was indeed in the middle of an old 
CD-Writing!!! howto which was qualified as outmoded by the 
developper of X-CD-Roast.

Do you believe I should recommand Slack to Windows 

I said I also had problems with Mandrake. 

I tried SuSE 7.1 . According to all reviewers, it was the best 
invention on earth since sliced bread. I never succeeded to 
install it. My list of srupidities was so long , I asked for my 
money back threatening the salesman to but my list on local 
newsgroup if he didn't comply. He understood.

Unfortunately, I don't like SuSE no-real-iso development model and 
I won't play this game again to see if it works.

One of Red Hat directors' is Bob Young, the silly clown who 
decided to introduce Bed Rat on the Stock Exchange. I want to 
have nothing to do with money making machines such as Xandros, 
Licorice :) and Lindows.

What's left?Certainly not Gentoo! Vector, maybe... But the latest 
version is still in development and I would think it's better to 
let the distro mature before giving it a try.

What do you think I should suggest to Window-ers?

La Masse critique
debian-knoppix mailing list

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