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Re: NEW handling: About rejects, and kernels (Was: Re: NEW handling ...)

> I'm quite unhappy that this thread has turned so bad.  Please, all of us
> who are part of this thread, can we please try to get the heat out.

I can't agree more. What I have seen up to now is make me very
sad. Seeing Sven considering to resign is sad news for me.

I won't play the "others started first" game, I leave this to my kids
(well, probably even the youngest of them wouldn't play this game

Up to now, I have seen very rude and unacceptable mails addressed
directly to Sven Luther. There has been other rude mails sent to other
people as well which is obviously unacceptable as well (no, Sven, not
necessary from you). And I certainly missed a lot of other crap
because I have read about 5% of these threads.

The most difficult thing to do, especially by mail, is just
recognizing that one went too far or just that you are wrong. Several
people went too far in this thread. I think all should really consider
doing what adult and mature people would do : just apologize, take a
break and avoid definitive statements....and continue working in this
project, because sometimes our arguments are not only out weakness but
our strength.

I don't agree with several things written by Sven here or there. I
probably agree with a lot of others...and I just don't understand
another bunch of such things. 

I have seen serious attempts to make proposals which seems quite
constructive to me. I also have seen probably far too much mails
(sorry, Sven, but IMHO you really should have slowed your contribution
to all threads but, well, "ce qui est fait est fait")

But even what I may not agree with does not prevent me to consider
that losing his valuable input is not good for this project, just like
losing the work of any individual involved here would be bad.

OK, people, as far as I have seen we are all supposed to be adult
people here....not in a kind of kindergarten.

So, who starts and just makes one or two steps backward. And, please
no "He should do so first" answer....for $deity's sake, please be

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