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Warning: Please delay dist-upgrade to Debian Sid (was: Re: Some problems with the last updates)

Am Sonntag, 6. November 2016, 00:59:07 CET schrieb Diederik de Haas:
> On zaterdag 5 november 2016 20:25:32 CET Andrey Rahmatullin wrote:
> > > If so, that is/was your problem and you'll likely have various qt5
> > > package
> > > at  version 5.7.1~20161021+dfsg-N.
> > > Downgrade those packages to their version in testing and there's a
> > > reasonable  chance things start working again. See also
> > > https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=843208#10
> The current state is that it's highly likely that a bug in qtdeclarative-
> opensource-src (source package) version 5.7.1~20161021-4 is the cause for
> the  issue various people are seeing.
> One of the Debian Qt maintainers filed the following bug for it: 
> https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-56932
> In Debian the following bugs have been reported which are likely all caused
> by  this issue:
> https://bugs.debian.org/843250
> https://bugs.debian.org/843332
> and probably more will follow ...

More indeed followed already, so:

1) Please delay updates to Debian Sid.

2) The issue at hand is well understood and reported upstream. No need to 
duplicate reports. If you have something new to add, add it to the existed 
merged report. I´d say 843250.

3) Using apt-listbugs would save you from this hassle since 843250 is 

Thank you,

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