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Re: kdebug defaults/build options

On August 10, 2011 02:13:49 PM Xavier Brochard wrote:
> Bruce Sass wrote:
> >> 2. At times I've been annoyed by the number of spam messages kwrite/kate
> >> leave on the console when run that way. Looking into it, these messages
> >> are kDebug outputs. The kde techbase suggests [1] this output is
> >> intended to be disabled in releases. Would you have any objections to
> >> doing this in the future, with kwrite at least? There's not many
> >> programs I've had problems with, but I do wince when running kwrite
> >> from a console every so often.
> >> [1]:
> http://techbase.kde.org/Development/FAQs/Debugging_FAQ#Is_there_a_preferred
> >> _way_to_print_debug_output_on_stderr.3F
> > 
> > My work-around to this problem is to tack "&>/dev/null &" onto the end of
> > all cmdline issued KDE commands...
> An easier approach is to simply run kdebugdialog then select/deselect the
> apps that you want to not send debug output

If I ever run Stable's KDE I probably will--assuming Debian hasn't already--
with Unstable though I prefer keeping the system as close to as-installed as 
is reasonably possible because I'm working under the (perhaps misguided 
<shrug>) assumption that it is the default configuration which is most 
important to Debian, and fiddling with lower level stuff like that could 
interfere with its characterization (finding, reporting, and verifying bugs 
and quirks).

Another way to look at this annoyance is via the "learning curves". Currently, 
everyone who runs Debian's KDE programs from the cmdline will run into the too 
much verbosity problem and consequently the kdebugdialog will be on their 
Debian-KDE learning curve; If the messages were of by default the only ones 
who would have need for kdebugdialog in their learning curve would be those 
actually interested in debugging Debian's KDE. IOW, spewing mostly useless 
messages as a default the behaviour increases the length and steepness of a 
regular user's Debian-KDE learning curve, when it should really be the user 
who wants to non-usual stuff (like debugging) who's curve should be longer and 

- Bruce

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