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Re: Up-to-date SID, configuring context menu?

On Tue, Sep 13, 2005 at 09:32:10PM -0400, Curt Howland wrote:
> Anyway, where in KDE 3.4.2 is the option to edit the right-click 
> "context menu" for Konqueror and the desktop?
> There also used to be a "Open link in background tab" option, 
> which was lost some version or two ago, and I would like to be 
> able to put that back in the context menu also.

Alas you only have "open in new tab" on the context menu these days.
Whether this opens a foreground or background tab is hidden away behind
the "advanced" button of the "web behaviour" section of konqui's settings.

You can also set "Open links in new tab" in konqui's Web Behaviour,
and then middle-click on the link to open it in a tab.  It will be a
background tab if you lean on the shift key, and a foreground one if
you don't.  Not so useful for KDE users with fewer hands than average,
but fortunately I have two!

The upstream are keen on removing what they view as menu bloat,
but unfortunately it's at the cost of making some things harder for
experienced or "power" users.

However! It's possible to add your own menu entries back by creating a
.desktop file.  They can include DCOP calls so you can probably even add
an "open in background tab" to the Action context.  Here's one I wrote
to rotate any image/* in konqui using Imagemagick:


[Desktop Entry]

[Desktop Action rotateImgLeft]
Name=Rotate 90° Anticlockwise
Exec=mogrify -rotate -90 %F

[Desktop Action rotateImgRight]
Name=Rotate 90° Clockwise
Exec=mogrify -rotate 90 %F


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