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Up-to-date SID, configuring context menu?

Good evening I just finished installing Sid, after having lots of 
stress with the loss of kdelibs4 when trying to simply keep Sid 

Anyway, where in KDE 3.4.2 is the option to edit the right-click 
"context menu" for Konqueror and the desktop?

The "Delete" option is missing. I don't use the "trash" folder 
option. "shift-del" key-chord works fine, but I cannot find 
where to re-add it to the context menu.

There also used to be a "Open link in background tab" option, 
which was lost some version or two ago, and I would like to be 
able to put that back in the context menu also.

Any ideas?


September 11th, 2001
The proudest day for gun control and central 
planning advocates in American history

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