Re: KLISA in Testing/Woody
Jason Boxman wrote:
> On Sunday 23 September 2001 07:58 pm, Donald R. Spoon wrote:
> <snip>
> > The problem is that the LAN is NOT displayed on the Konqueror "Network"
> > panel, like it used to be displayed. Samba is installed and working on
> > all my Linux machines, and I have a mix of Samba 2.0.7 and 2.1 on the
> > various machines. Klisa is least I get the normal messages
> > on bootup and it has a PID that I can stop/start in the list of running
> > processes. The KDE version is the same...2.1.1 on all machines. I
> > cannot figure out what is going on.
> Yeah, I noticed the same thing, shrugged, uninstalled Klisa, and went about
> my business. If you figure it out, let me know, I'd like to know myself so I
> can actually use Klisa for something.
Most of this is probably the equivalent of "waving a dead chicken", but
its what worked here. It is based on my previous experience getting
KLISA going on Potato back in April. This is EXACTLY the procedure I
used on both machines to get it working. I really don't know how much
is "fluff", but installing ALL the packages that used to be in the old
kdenetwork package is quite important. My second machine didn't work
until I did this, even though I had klisa installed already.
1. Install the equivalent of the old kdenetwork package, i.e. "ktalkd",
"ksirc", "kppp", "korn", "knode", "kmail", "klisa", "kit", and
"keystone". If you do an "apt-get install kdenetwork" you will get a
message back with the list of the replacement packages.
2. Remove the ~.kde directory(s) in all your user(s) accounts,
including root. This is OK, since the next time you login the ~.kde
directory will be re-built. If you have made a lot of customizations to
your desktop, you will probably loose it & have to do it over. This is
where the "gurus" can step in and tell us how to do it the "RIGHT way"
<g> without losing anything!
3. Login to kde as "root".
4. Use the KDE "appfinder" to find any extra programs not already on
the menus. This is probably NOT necessary, but it is one of the things
I did.
5. Open up the Control Center -> Network -> Lan Browsing screen and
enter in your Network values to setup KLISA globally. Be sure to
"apply" the changes. I just entered in my LAN IP numbers
( every where it showed the localhost IP
numbers. Checkout all the tabs, although I didn't have to change any of
the default selections here.
6. Open up the Control Center -> Web Browsing -> Windows Shares screen
and enter your WORKGROUP name and any other info you want. Note that
"root" is normally NOT allowed to login to Samba. I just left those
blank on the "root" screen. Apply these changes and check out the
sidebar on Konqueror. It should now have a "Local Network" selection
under the "Network" selection. You can also use the "Home Directory"
icon on the taskbar to do this check.
7. If everything is there, logout of your "root" section and Login as a
8. Repeat steps #5 and #6 above in the user account. Note you WILL
want to provide a default username and password in step 6 for this
"user". You probably will have to do this for ALL other users on your
You should now be able to browse your Samba networked
computers....providing SAMBA is already setup and working correctly.
Cheers & Good Luck!
-Don Spoon-
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