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Re: Ivan- KDE 2.2 final - What's the status?

  >>> "tluxt" == tluxt <tluxt@yahoo.com> wrote:

  tluxt> 1. What the status of the KDE 2.2 packages is.

I don't want to speak for Ivan, but KDE 2.2-final is already in "unstable"
.. I installed it yesterday. I guess it will make it's way into
woody/testing in a couple of weeks.

Thanks to Ivan for his great work!

  tluxt> 2. A brief How-to install a fresh Debian + KDE 2.2 system today?

You'll have to install it from "unstable".  A brief howto:

  + Add "unstable" lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list

  + Create a /etc/apt/preferences file that favours "testing", e.g.

      Package: *
      Pin: release a=testing
      Pin-Priority: 777
      Package: *
      Pin: release a=unstable
      Pin-Priority: 333

  + "apt-get -t unstable install kde"

Note that the resulting system would be considered, er, unstable.

cheers, Mike

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