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Re: Replacement for Abiword: LyX? Openoffice?

Hello Ben, 

Am 2003-10-05 10:13:21, schrieb Ben Armstrong:
>Abiword has been removed from testing.  This keeps junior-writing out of 
>sarge because of its dependency on abiword.  I will have to remove abiword 
>from junior-writing, but I would like to replace it with another WYSIWYG 
>word processor.

First Question:	Why is it removed ?

>Should I replace abiword with LyX?  This will considerably increase the size
>of Debian Jr. because to be truly useful, I believe I also need to include
>tetex, which is massive.  Furthermore, there is the question of whether LyX
>is truly a word processor that children can use.

I think, LyX is not so easy to use as AbiWord. 
My Daughters (17 and 13 years) using LyX and it was not easy to teach 
my girls in LyX. 

And I have some little friends (Girls Linux-Group of 6-10 years in 
Strasbourg) which can not use Lyx at all. 

>An alternative is to depend on openoffice, but then we'd have the same 
>"bloat" issue.

It is a Killer !!!

>Are there users here whose children use either LyX or Openoffice?  Any 
>comments on usability of these packages with children?

Yes, many but...

I am specialist for 'Light' installations on older Computers like 
Am486dx4/100 or AMD K6/200. All Computers with 64 MBytes of Memory. 

Curently I am creating my own 'Virtual' Packages for Kids in different 
ages. Using only the 'base', x-window-system-core, xterm, fvwm2, 
Mozilla, LyX, and GIMP and some other Packages. 

In general it fits on a Harddisk with 540 MBytes.

Oh yes, I am waiting for my 1024/256 kBit ADSL with fixed IP (But it is 
a money question of 180 Euro per month). If I find some sponsors, I can 
put my whole Stuff online. 


Greetings from Strasbourg

Registered Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org.

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