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Re: Debian Jr. and Debian Jr. Lite

> On Fri, Dec 08, 2000 at 03:29:19PM -0600, Pat Mahoney wrote:


> > 
> > I think this is a good idea.  FYI, there is a big discussion on
> > debian-policy (perhaps -devel too by now?) on task packages.  So, the
> > way tasks work might change in the near future...
> > 
> > Specifically, Joey Hess wants to make less, simpler task packages (like
> > task-programming instead of task-python, task-c++-dev, task-c-dev, etc.).  I
> > haven't read most of it; it is quite long.
> Can you summarize for us or at least give references to the archives?  I
> skimmed some of the thread that spilled over onto debian-devel but I am
> unaware of any specific proposals that have been tabled.

Well, I had a long reply that got lost when my graphics gard froze
testing konqueror-embedded, but here's a shorter summary of possible

(DWN has links to the discussion)

1) Dump most task packages to make tasksel simple

2) Make tasksel more like kernel menuconfig (i.e. only after selecting
   "programming" are you asked about particular languages)

3) Dump most tasks and make them into "meta" packages like "netscape",
   perhaps with a "meta-" prefix.

No matter what, I think debian-jr has a place for at least one task
package to be seen during initial install, and perhaps a few meta

> I have loaded konqueror on the 486dx/66 and will try it out.  It's a shame
> it drags so much cruft with it.

good luck...

> > I wish dillo/gzilla/armadillo worked better as they run very smoothly.
> Too bad.  Are there any smaller alternatives?  I heard that recently
> konqueror has been ported to run on qt-embedded.  Does anyone know about
> this version?  Is it decoupled from all of that KDE bloat?

Well, I actually got konqueror embedded to compile and run and I'd say
it has a lot of potential.  It needs work though, but it's already
rendering graphics and singing and dancing and crashing my graphics
card :-P

Unfortunately, it requires a framebuffer device (afaik anyway) which
older machines have trouble supporting I think.

During Christmas break, I will have access to a machine with a better
frame buffer than my laptop.  (I can only get color in 320x200 mode).

BTW, here's how I got konq-emb to run (not too difficult):

Installed libqt2.2-emb[-dev] (Unfortunately, they conflict with

Downloaded konq-emb from article linked to from http://dot.kde.org/

Got /usr/lib/qt2/bin/uic from libqt2.2-dev .deb

Compiled, installed (some trivial troubles here).

Grabbed the fonts from qt-embedded from trolltech.com (also linked from
http://dot.kde.org/) and copied them to where konqueror complained they

Oh, yeah, compile fb support into the kernel.

Some work needs to be done to the libqt2.2-emb packages (they should
include bin/uic and the fonts).  I'm willing to make a debian package
of embedded konqueror (if it won't be packaged by the usual kde guys),
but my laptop fb sucks and it takes me several hours to compile it :-P

> Ben
> -- 
>     nSLUG       http://www.nslug.ns.ca      synrg@sanctuary.nslug.ns.ca
>     Debian      http://www.debian.org       synrg@debian.org
> [ pgp key fingerprint = 7F DA 09 4B BA 2C 0D E0  1B B1 31 ED C6 A9 39 4F ]
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Pat Mahoney	<patmahoney@gmx.net>

I had no shoes and I pitied myself.  Then I met a man who had no feet,
so I took his shoes.
                -- Dave Barry

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