Re: [Debian-science-sagemath] jmol: diff for NMU version 12.2.32+dfsg2-1.1
Ximin Luo:
> Andreas Tille:
>> 4. Update Jmol in Debian, and update biojava4 and drop outdated jalview
>> (by at least starting the new dependencies and trying to upgrade
>> jalview) and have the chance of SageMath entering Debian stable.
>> [..]
> I agree and I'll be happy to move forward on this. Reminding everyone of the release schedule:
> - The deadline for packages-in-testing to be updated by a newer unstable version is ~Jan 25
> - The deadline for new packages to enter testing, is ~Dec 25.
> - This includes packages that are in unstable, that were/will removed from testing for QA reasons. (e.g. Jmol 12)
> - This also includes time passing through the NEW queue, for new packages.
> In summary:
> - Jmol 14 must be uploaded to unstable by ~Dec 25
> - biojava4, jalview must be uploaded to unstable by ~Jan 25
> - jalview's extra dependencies must be uploaded to unstable (NEW) by ~Dec 20 or ideally earlier, to give FTP masters a few days to process it.
Actually, we will have to upload Jmol 14 earlier, in order to "activate" the Jan 25 deadline for biojava4. This is because biojava4 is also QA-scheduled to be removed on Jan 4 (because of buggy-deps Jmol
So we'd have to upload it on Dec 22 or earlier, to give some time for biojava4's AUTORM flag to get cancelled.
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