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bnd update 2.1.0


I think I have finally fixed all issues with bnd 2.1.0, so that I'm
confident the package can be uploaded to experimental at least.


I had to write a couple of patches to ensure the package can be built
from source (even twice in a row now).

I removed biz.aQute.repository and biz.aQute.resolve in our clean target
because I think we don't need this feature (OSGi Bundle Repository) for
Debian. Dependencies are usually installed via package managers and I
doubt that it is very useful to install all the required
build-dependencies like jetty for example.

The core functionality like the bnd command-line tool, bndlib and the
launcher appears to work.

However there are notable differences between the old version of bnd and
version 2.1.0. The command-line syntax is different now which is also
the cause for new build failures (yeah). I discovered this change when I
tried to rebuild axis.

debian/rules snippet of axis:

for BNDFILE in debian/*.bnd; do \
		JARPATH=build/lib/`basename $$BNDFILE .bnd`.jar; \
		bnd wrap -properties $$BNDFILE -output $$JARPATH $$JARPATH; \

Now options require two hyphens and output directory and input directory
must be different.

A fix could look like this one:

for BNDFILE in debian/*.bnd; do \
      JARPATH=build/lib/`basename $$BNDFILE .bnd`.jar; \
       bnd wrap --properties $$BNDFILE --output debian/tmp/`basename
$$BNDFILE .bnd`.jar $$JARPATH; \

I haven't tested all r-deps yet. The fix is easy but there might be
other undetected issues, so I think an upload to experimental is preferable.



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