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Re: Updating Eclipse

I think Paul and Emmanuel have answered the general questions already,
so I'd just like to comment on these questions.

On 13.01.2015 21:09, Pascal Rapicault wrote:
> What drives the decision to package certain Eclipse libraries as system
> jars and not others (e.g. swt and osgi, but not emf or jface whereas
> they can run on plain java as well)?

Such decisions are made mostly because of user demand and overall
packaging benefits. Let's take libequinox-osgi-java for example. This
binary package is built from the Eclipse source package and it can be
used outside Eclipse. Four other source packages build-depend or depend
on it. Otherwise those packages had to depend on Eclipse itself which
would be quite inefficient. Think about download size, security
implications, desktop integration problems and all the use cases that
only require the functionality of libequinox-osgi-java but not Eclipse
as a whole. Of course you are free to choose. If there is no demand and
the jar is not really useful outside the scope of Eclipse, you can omit
the extra package.

> Now what strikes me with the current approach is the amount of effort required 
> to maintain an individual package, and I would really hope that we can find a more
> systematic way of bringing various parts of Eclipse to debian, especially that we
> want to provide more eclipse based applications to the user (e.g. there is a standalone 
> C debugger (https://wiki.eclipse.org/CDT/StandaloneDebugger), or trace compass
> (https://projects.eclipse.org/proposals/trace-compass)).
> Again, thanks for your help and time. I will talk with the people funding the effort
> to see what are the next steps, so don't take it personally if you never hear from me :)

I can only confirm what Emmanuel wrote already. You are not alone. I
think the current problem is too abstract because you are not yet
familiar with all the packaging tools that can make life much easier.
For instance we have tools like maven-debian-helper that generate Debian
packages from Maven projects. Why don't we just take the sources and run
mh_make and then we will see what dependencies are missing, need an
update or are already there and up to date?



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