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Re: Request for review: jackson-datatype-guava packaging

Hi Markus.  Apologies for the delay in getting the last couple of fixes
in.  Here's a highly trimmed list of your suggestions.

On 2/10/14 5:21 AM, "Markus Koschany" <apo@gambaru.de> wrote:

>Here a some remarks from my side:

>I: jackson-datatype-guava source: debian-watch-file-is-missing

>At the moment the sources don't match with

>I: libjackson2-datatype-guava-java:

>maven.cleanIgnoreRules and maven.publishedRules are empty and could be

>I would shortly explain the purpose of replace-generate.sh in

>Optional: run »wrap-and-sort -sa« from the devscripts package for
>improved readability of debian/control and other files under the debian

>Perhaps you might want to consider to build the javadoc as well and ship
>it with

>I haven't checked the unit test issue yet but the rest looks good and
>the package builds fine.

I managed to get all of this done, including the unit tests but ended up
trashing my old repo and overwriting it with a new one.  I made a huge
mess of the original sources and redid everything using the upstream
tar.gz file you pointed to.

If there are any checkouts they will need to be deleted and recreated from

Hey that was actually fun, and I think I've figured out a lot about how
Java packaging works now.




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