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Re: Trying to compile a package that depends on bouncycastle

Hi all,

Well, thanks for all the help, but now I'm stuck on step the 9th, trying to 
compile SignApk.java. And I think I'm just going to give up.

I'm getting compile errors of the form:

  SignApk.java:20: error: cannot find symbol
  import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1ObjectIdentifier;

Look, I've installed plenty of programs from source before. Dozens. Now, I 
don't expect every program ever to be quite as simple as "./configure; make; 
make install", but this is getting ridiculous.

For pretty much every other program I've ever installed, I've never needed to 
know much about what language it was written in, or any of the internal 
details of that language environment. Provided I've got the right compiler 
and/or runtime installed, I've just downloaded the source, checked the README 
or INSTALL file or doc/ directory, and then done something like "./configure; 
make; make install". Maybe it was "cp makefile.unix makefile; make; make 

Oh, sure, sometimes programs have had dependencies. But installing a 
dependency is just "apt-get install libdependency-dev". Or, "wget 
ftp://dependency.com/latest/dependency.tgz; tar -xf depencency.tgz; cd 
dependency; ./configure; make; make install;" And once that's done, I can go 
straight to the program I actually want to use, and the configuration/build 
step will *automatically* find the dependency, and make me a program which 
will *automatically* use the dependency.

That's it.

I'm not trying to hack on these java programs. I'm don't want to study the 
code for its own sake, or track down a bug, or submit a patch upstream. I just 
want to *build* and *run* them. That's all. Nothing more, nothing less.

Now, I've got these three repos. And none of them have README files. Anywhere. 
(OK, platform_system_core does, but it doesn't actually contain anything worth 
reading.) Or INSTALL files. Or doc/ directories. Or configure scripts. Or 
makefiles. They do have what look like makefile fragments, with comments, but 
no help as to how to actually use them - and all of the Java build processes 
I've briefly looked at seem to use either XML or JSON as their build 
description format.

platform_build has an "envsetup.sh", but it's bonkers. First, it tells you to 
invoke it as "build/envsetup.sh", even though it's not in a directory called 
"build". Then, you don't *run* it, you *source* it into your shell and it does 
a whole bunch of violence to your environment, like creating function/alias 
called "m" to build the tree. Because you probably didn't have "m" aliased to 
anything you wanted to use yourself, did you? And that's just platform_build. 
The other repos don't have an equivalent, at all.

So, after all of this, I'm left with 4 theories about what's going on here.

1) Google is ignoring all industry standard best practices for writing and 
packaging simple command-line apps in Java.

2) There are no industry standard best practices for writing simple command-
line apps in Java, because Java is so uniquely unsuited to the task that 
practically no-one ever even tries.[0]

3) Google is actually following industry standard best practices for writing 
and packaging simple command-line apps in Java, and everyone in the Java 
industry thinks that the issues I'm seeing are a perfectly acceptable state of 
affairs, and not, you know, bug-nuts insane.

4) James Gosling read the spoof interview with Bjarne Stroustrup about how 
"[C++] was only supposed to be a joke, I never thought people would take the 
book seriously", thought it would be a good laugh to do for real, and is 
trolling me 20-odd years later.

Of these, 1) seems unlikely on the face of it. That just doesn't seem like how 
Google would get things done.

On the other hand, if 2) were the case, why in the softly-spoken name of the 
Elder Things would Google have picked Java to write them at all, rather than 
Python, Ruby, Perl, shell, C, Go, DOS batch files, or one the many thousands 
of other programming languages ever created which seem much better suited to 
the task, by virtue of not needing to be compiled, or, once compiled, can 
automatically locate both themselves and their dependencies and can just be, 
well, "run"?

But then that only leaves 3) and 4), which are the most terrifying of all...

Or, there is an option 5), which is that all of the above isn't actually that 
complicated, and I am actually really gorram stupid for not understanding it. 
I'm certainly *feeling* pretty stupid after a couple of days of banging my 
head against this particular brick wall, and it's not doing much for my 
perpetual case of imposter syndrome either.

Whatever. You can keep your Java. I've had it.


[0] Re-specifiying dependencies on the command line every time you *run* a 
program? Really? As if anyone would do "ls --link acl,attr,pcre,selinux" every 
time they wanted to list the files in a directory. And have you *seen* the 
dependencies for something like a text editor? Try it - "ldd /usr/bin/vim" - 
especially if you have vim.gtk or greater installed. Now imagine that every 
time you wanted to edit a file. I mean, *REALLY*?

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