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Re: RFS: commons-io/2.4-1 (new upstream release) - [UPLOADED]

On 04/02/2013 12:17 AM, Emmanuel Bourg wrote:
> Hi Tony,
> Le 02/04/2013 06:01, tony mancill a écrit :
>> Once wheezy releases, we'll set upon a mass migration of these news
>> versions of packages unstable.
> Thank you for the uploads.
> Ho do we proceed for migrating from experimental to unstable? Do I have
> to upload the packages on mentors.debian.net.

Uploads to mentors.debian.net aren't necessary.  Since you are a member
of the Java team and have commit rights to the pkg-java repos, you (or
anyone else who would like to drive the migration) can make the changes
to the packaging repo and then call out the list of packages that need
to enter unstable.

By the way, this is true for the other packages Java team-maintained
you're working on now. You can skip the mentors.d.n upload and simply
post an RFS to the list.  (One potential drawback is that there's a
smaller pool of potential sponsors.)  The only other caveat I'd mention
is that if the package doesn't have a way to recreate the orig.tar.gz
tarball from the packaging repo (i.e. a working get-orig-source target
or a pristine-tar branch), then mentors.d.n is nice because it supports
uploading the entire source package as you built it.


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