Eric Lavarde wrote:
Hi Andrew, Andrew Haley wrote:Well, I suspect that the classpath team and associated do concentrate their effort on the non-AWT/Swing classes because Apache/Server-classes and Eclipse don't use them.I guess it depends on whether the program fails because a particular runtime has bugs or because the program depends on something it shouldn'tuse, such as com.sun.* classes. We're pretty complete with respect to 1.4,so I'd like to know what this problem actually is.
I think this will come as a terrible shock to those people who spent so much time writing the GUI stuff.
In short, FreeMind 0.7.1 (the one in unstable) starts very well with the latest gcj, doesn't spit any error, but is completely unusable (and ugly).
Ah, OK, so we're talking about AWT bugs. I admit I don't know very much about that side of Classpath. The notion that Classpath "doesn't care" about non-server applications seems to be very common on this list. Andrew.