Re: icedtea status?
On Mon, Jan 07, 2008 at 07:40:57AM +0100, Arnaud Vandyck wrote:
> 2008/1/6, Michael Koch <>:
> [...]
> > I have to say I agree with Petter. I would say that stuff can go to main
> > when it works on one or two or three archs and not others with free
> > runtimes. Runtimes will get bug reports that stuff dont works on certain
> > platforms and people will work on this. This will encourage even more
> > people...
> I don't agree and I think it's a sort of lie. There has been two or
> three years that we agreed to take gcj as our reference free vm. A
> package that could be built and run with gcj is considered completely
> free and can move to main. Now, if we move every packages to main
> because they can be built and run with openjdk, we send a bad message
> to our users.
You know that even GCJ is not working on all our platforms? Given that
fact we have to move *all* Java packages to contrib. Thats not really
what we want.
> Anyway, Michael, thanks for working on Icedtea and I will not waste
> time to send bug reports on packages that moved to main but should
> IMHO remain in contrib.
I understand, but do we really have other possible ways?
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