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Re: java dependency substvars and native compilation

On Fri May 11 07:19, Michael Koch wrote:
> On Thu, May 10, 2007 at 02:11:27PM +0100, Matthew Johnson wrote:
> > OK, so as an alternative, I have a version which reads the Class-Path:
> > variable from the jar. This is rather more efficient as well. I assume
> > upstream's build should set this to sensible values and that therefore
> > the packaging can just include a call to make or ant then dh_javadeps
> > and doesn't need to list them anywhere.
> > 
> > This also solves the problem of 'which jar containing the same class to
> > use'; there should never be two packages providing the same jar.
> > 
> > new version at http://mjj29.matthew.ath.cx/dh_javadeps
> Setting the Class-Path attribute in the manifest only makes sense for
> applications. It doesn't makes sense for libraries. The problem is that
> the VM only uses the Class-Path attribute when you execute

It also makes sense for libraries; Java recursively adds the classpath,
so a library which depended on other libraries would have one so that
applications don't have to guess what libraries their libraries may use.

> We could put into the policy that we need to make sure the Class-Path
> attribute has a sensible value. I havent thought about this deeply yet.

I think this is a very sensible thing to have in policy.


Matthew Johnson

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