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Re: looking for a mentor/advocate for jedit.deb

I believe the current process of building a package seems to be via "ant", and some custom tasks, which are defined in the de.masters_of_disaster.ant.tasks package.

After downloading the source tarball, I type "ant dist-deb" and it generates a .deb file for me.

It's not using the current debian build scripts, nor is it using a "rules" script. Further, it seems as this currently deb builder isn't dealing with source at all, and only packages the compiled .class files. I'm looking around to see if somewhere it is generating a .dsc file, but i haven't found it yet.

[from build.xml]

        <target name="dist-deb"
                        description="build the DEB Package">
                <antcall target="prepare-dist-files" />
                <antcall target="compile-ar">
                        <param name="config.build.debuglevel"
                                   value="lines,source" />
                        <param name="classes.dir"
                                   location="${dist.dir}/classes" />
                <antcall target="compile-deb">
                        <param name="config.build.debuglevel"
                                   value="lines,source" />
                        <param name="classes.dir"
                                   location="${dist.dir}/classes" />
                <taskdef name="deb"
                                 classname=" de.masters_of_disaster.ant.tasks.deb.Deb"
                                 classpath="${dist.dir}/classes/deb" />
                <antcall target="compile-calculatesize">
                        <param name=" config.build.debuglevel"
                                   value="lines,source" />
                        <param name="classes.dir"
                                   location="${ dist.dir}/classes" />

On 2/19/07, Paul Cager < paul-debian@home.paulcager.org> wrote:
Alan Ezust wrote:
> I've seen the ".deb" on your site. Are the package sources (.dsc,
>> .diff.gz and .orig.tar.gz) available for download anywhere?
> We don't have .dsc files, .diff.gz files or .orig.tar.gz files yet.
> For 4.3pre9, we use this:
> https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=588&package_id=3753
> And the source tarball is this:
> http://downloads.sourceforge.net/jedit/jedit4.3pre9source.tar.bz2?use_mirror=easynews

Sorry, I didn't phrase that very clearly. I was wondering how you
generate the ".deb" file - do you first generate an RPM and then use a
converter (e.g. alien) to create a deb from the rpm? Or do you create
the .deb directly from the source code (using a debian/rules files etc).

I asked because Debian packages are built from the source code. It
sounds to me now as though you make use of "alien".

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