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Re: Package to contrib or non-free

Arnaud Vandyck wrote:
Fri, 04 Feb 2005 19:44:48 +0100, Daniel Leidert <daniel.leidert.spam@gmx.net> wrote:



I have a question to one of my packages (Jmol, LGPL licensed), I
unofficially maintain.


The package source comes with a few precompiled Java binaries (.jar).
Now I have the possibility to use Debian packages instead of the
distributed ones (e.g. commons-cli.jar, itext.jar).

You should ;-)

But there are still a few libraries left (netscape.jar, Acme.jar,
vecmath1.2-1.14.jar), which do not exist in the Debian distribution.

What is netscape.jar? Is it javascript (see rhino)? Is it about ldap
(see libldap-java)?

Acme.jar is just one or two classes and I think it's free, but I don't
know which package could give you these two classes. Just open the jar
and put the content in jmol.jar.

I have also in some programs depend on acme. I try to patch the
stuff out as I don't know if its really unproblematic to distribute.

It says it is public domain, but the package contains - beside
the widespread used gif encoder - several crypto stuff which
is maybe problematic.


Should we maybe ask debian-legal for clarification ?

The other problem is that one class depends on sun internal classes.

This software is written for JDK1.0.2, but with one exception it also compiles under JDK1.1. You'll get a lot of warnings about deprecated methods, but it'll work. The only exception is StubToolkit, where I had to use some of the internal sun.* classes.

I don't know if you use this class - but for a main packages it
has to be patched out - or patched for another implementation.

If the (maybe) legal problems are solved, I would prepare
a package with the removed StubToolkit class.

Someone is working on vecmath.

I will provide a first version soon !




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