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Re: How to _best_ depend on non-free Java packages?

On Sat, Feb 05, 2005 at 04:49:23PM +0100, Eric Lavarde wrote:
> Hi,
> thanks for the help, some more questions on top of these ones:
> - I browsed a bit with apt-cache and came to the conclusion that no 
> (free) package in Debian is providing java2-runtime. I am correct?
> - I have the feeling that 'java2-runtime' is too coarse as a virtual 
> package: I know too many programs that work only on one or two of 
> j2re1.3, j2re1.4 or j2re1.5. Wouldn't it be better to have these 3 names 
> as virtual packages? Do you allow me to place a bug on the Java police / 
> java-common or do you think it won't anyway be considered?

You can always file a bug, but I don't think much changes will be done
before sarge.

For now, I think you'll have to do with the existing stuff.


Jeroen van Wolffelaar
Jeroen@wolffelaar.nl (also for Jabber & MSN; ICQ: 33944357)

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