Replacing packaged libraries with standard libraries
I've started packaging the next version of FreeMind and, despite my lack
of Java knowledge, I've noticed that the new version is coming with
quite a lot of standard Java libraries (i.e. libraries already packaged
elsewhere in Debian), roughly libcommons-lang-java,
librelaxng-datatype-java, libjaxp1.2-java, libbatik-java and possibly a
few more. That bloats the whole thing a bit, and is just not 'elegant'.
So, I thought about replacing these bloating libraries through
dependencies. Could someone give me a kickstart and tell me if it's
feasible and what would be the best method to go further; I'm technical
but Java is not my strength.
The packages can be found there:
deb experimental/
deb-src experimental/
freemind 0.7.9.rc1-2
freemind-browser 0.7.9.rc1-2
freemind-plugins-help 0.7.9.rc1-2
freemind-plugins-svg 0.7.9.rc1-2
(especially freemind and freemind-plugins-svg)
Thanks, Eric
PS: unrelated feedback is welcomed as well...
Gewalt ist die letzte Zuflucht der Inkompetenz.
Violence is the Last Resort of the Incompetent.
Gwalt jest ostatnem schronieniem niekompetencji.
La violence est le dernier refuge de l'incompetence.
~ Isaac Asimov
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