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Re: [Fwd: Re: [architecture] Re: JPackages and ObjectWeb]

Le mar, 03/02/2004 à 17:34 -0500, David Walluck a écrit :
> Jan Schulz wrote:
> > Hm, seems that the only real difference is, that in your case the JVM
> >
> >will pickup some jars because they ar ein a special dir and in my
> >case, it wll be picked up because -bootclasspath is used. One other
> >  
> >
> So far, this is the only options we use:
> I must admit to not understanding much about the connection between 
> -bootclasspath, -classpath, and -extdirs even after reading the Sun 
> documentation, but if it makes sense, then all three could be used.
> There's no reason why extenstion jars shouldn't be in a separate directory.
> But of course, free jvm's may support none of these options, so where's 
> the other layer that would handle converting between the two? Is `java', 
> `javac' and/or 'javadoc' supposed to be wraper scripts themselves?
> >difference is, that I propose to add had dependecies (package manager
> >level) and your scritp does it automagically, when jars are installed,
> >right?
> >
> >  
> >
> I don't understand what you mean here.
> Currently, our system has several major flaws.
> 1.) The first is not picking up dependencicies for a given jar file 
> (i.e., what could usually be found in a jar's Class-Path in the 
> manifest). You propose flat files for each jar. I think symlinks offer 
> more over and are easier to update than sed and grep on a file, but 
> whatever, the important thing is that we both want this solved.
> 2.) The second is not providing enough virtual provides. Take 
> jdbc-stdext-ext again as an example. This is only needed by pre 1.4 
> jvm's, but the 1.4 jvm's don't have a virtual provides for this package. 

We do have a jdbc-stdtext virtual and tomcat uses it.
If you ask for jdbc-stdtext-ext, you're explicitely requesting the out-
of-jvm implementation (same with jsse/jsse-ext and all the -ext

We could use more virtuals, though but at some points symlinks are just
too messy and we'll have to convert to flat-files. The symlinks were my
idea and they work for a limited alternative number. They do not permit
things like recursive deps however, and at some point the when you have
to traverse five links just to get a jar no human can grok them anymore.


Nicolas Mailhot

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