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Re: [Fwd: Re: [architecture] Re: JPackages and ObjectWeb]

Hallo David,

* David Walluck wrote:
>$ build-classpath jdbc-stdext ant bsh xerces-j2
>You can see how jdbc is a jvm extension so it exists as a symlink is 
>/usr/lib/jvm-exports. Every other jar (normal jar) gets picked up in 
>/usr/share/java a bit easier.

Hm, seems that the only real difference is, that in your case the JVM
will pickup some jars because they ar ein a special dir and in my
case, it wll be picked up because -bootclasspath is used. One other
difference is, that I propose to add had dependecies (package manager
level) and your scritp does it automagically, when jars are installed,

Seems that we aren't far away at all!

If I promise to build in all your functionality (JVM including,
CLASSPATH ordering for ant) into a script, do you think we can agree
on doing it all at runtime? And putting in a way to enforce JVM
depedencies which can configured to work around (and use a non
packaged JVM)?

JPackage? Gentoo? Debian? Any other?

>java-config should work like any other -config script I presume.
[JPackage equivalent of function based idea]

Yes. I would also like to consider your 'shell functions' based idea,
but that would mean that every startscript needs to be #!/bin/sh,
instead of using a generic script, which outputs a string. An idea
would be to add a wrapper script, which just calls the functions in
the right order and one 'function' script, which just includes the
function and which can be sourced.

Hey, cool. I'm seeing light on the end of the problem tunnel :) Seems
that we were far nearer together than I expected.

Jan Schulz                     jasc@gmx.net
     "Wer nicht fragt, bleibt dumm."

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