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Re: redistribute debianized blackdown and sun's jdk

>>>>> "Takashi" == Takashi Okamoto <toraneko@kun.ne.jp> writes:
    Takashi> I really want j2sdk in non-free. But I don't know key
    Takashi> person to do it. Does anybody (especially Zander) discuss
    Takashi> and negotiate about redistibution?

I suggest you search the -legal archives for numerous threads on this
subject.  The current outstanding issue relates to Debian's libability
as a third-party when distributing software with specific indemnity
clauses in it.

AFAICT, -legal does not have a single genuine practictioner of law in
the entire list, and as I haven't found the time or enthusiasm to
pursue outside counsel for advice (particularly given the unresolved
ruckus around non-free in general), this issue has been left to

If you happen to have access tocounsel who'd be willing to engage in
some pro bono work, I'm happy to explain to them the issue as I
understand it.


"So if she weighs the same as a duck, she's made of wood."... "And
therefore?"... "A witch!"

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