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Re: findjava is the question, is fixjava the answer?

T. Alexander Popiel wrote:
In message:  <[🔎] 3F858E30.5030000@kaffe.org>
             Dalibor Topic <robilad@kaffe.org> writes:

Things like -bootclasspath are only used by broken by design applications, anyway. It's -X*bootclasspath nowadays with Sun's VM, and it's there for a single reason: debugging. Applications have no buisiness replacing classes from the core libraries.

In general, I agree... but I'll also say that Sun has no business
putting Xerces (of a decidedly old version) into the core libraries.
But they do anyway, and if you want to use a recent version of
Xerces, you have to go dorking with the bootclasspath.

Well, yes. But no matter which version they put in, it's always going to have bugs, and be a decidedly old version in a year from now. I thought there was a documented way to replace the parser implementation using system properties? How about using your own class loader to load the parser classes in their own namespace and using those instead?

dalibor topic

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