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Re: java plugin w/ unstable mozilla

> I'll probably try that, but I'm loathe to waste the time
> if it turns out I'm just doing something stupid.

I can't tell you how to determine which gcc a binary was compiled with,
but I can tell you that you're not just doing something stupid.
Downloading a -gcc3.2 tarball from Blackdown certainly fixed my JNI crash,
which I am told was due to a gcc-2.95 Java runtime.

Also, if you download the "source package" for the debian j2re1.4 you in
fact find a binary blackdown tarball with a few debian-specific files
added.  This blackdown tarball is a 1.4.1-beta tarball and not a
1.4.1-01-...-gcc3.2 tarball.

So I'd say it's a pretty sure bet that manually downloading a -gcc3.2
java runtime from blackdown won't be a waste of time.

b. :)

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