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Re: JBoss debs?


I'm the main developer of the Jetty HTTPServer and Servlet
container and a core developer on JBoss.

Just a reminder (as I've emailed Joe before) that I'm more than
happy to:

 + lobby the JBoss project to make any changes that may
   assist you with your packaging (not sure of how successful
   that will be).

 + Help with any changes you need to make to support the more
   recent versions of JBoss that are based on the Jetty HTTPServer.

 + Help *anybody* who wants to make a standalone jetty deb.

I use debian, but I don't know anything about creating debians.
So I can't be proactive on this.  But I can offer lots of
help to anybody who takes the lead on this and tells me what is


Joe Phillips wrote:
On Fri, 2003-01-10 at 13:37, Darryl L. Pierce wrote:

On 2003.01.10 12:00 Joe Phillips wrote:

how's very soon?

Too slow for me. I need it yesterday. :)

I had it yesterday but you didn't ask.  8)

you can find my packages for 3.0.2 + tomcat at

I have plans for 3.2 next.

Will it have any impact on my distribution? I'm currently using sarge and am pulling Java from ibilio.org.

I don't know what you mean by that.

I built my packages on stable (woody) with a j2sdk package of  my own
design.  I don't use the ibilio.org packages so I don't know how well
they would play with my packages.  I suspect they'll work fine.

Currently, my packages include the full JBOSS binary release (including
third-party libraries).  Over time, I plan to replace pieces of the
JBOSS binary distro with debian packages.  As this happens, I also
expect the JBOSS packages to grow & change.
For example, my JBOSS packages include JARs for log4j.  Future packages
will likely make my JBOSS depend on log4j debs and include symlinks to
/usr/share/java/log4j.jar or similar.

I would expect my current packages to work with any java2-compiler on
any Debian release for the following reasons:
1- there are no native dependancies beyond whatever your JVM depends
2- as described above, my packages are self-contained (eg. it has its
own log4j)
3- my packages are essentially a pure repackaging of the JBOSS.org
binary release - if it runs for you, so should my packages

Future revisions, may depend on specific versions of external
libraries.  This is where you may have difficulties down the road.

add our site to your sources.list and  apt-get install
jboss-server-default to get the default server installation.  Then set
your JAVA_HOME in /etc/default/jboss and start it via /etc/init.d/jboss.
If you prefer 'all', install jboss-server-all instead.  Likewise with



Greg Wilkins<gregw@mortbay.com>             Phone/fax: +44 7092063462
Mort Bay Consulting Australia and UK.          http://www.mortbay.com

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