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Mass filing of bugs (was Re: j2sdk build-depends cannot be satisfied?)

>>>>> "Stephen" == Stephen Zander <gibreel@debian.org> writes:
    Stephen> What I think you're suggesting is that lib*-java classes
    Stephen> would depend on a virtual package that provides the
    Stephen> java.* classes, e.g. classpath, that was seperate from
    Stephen> the virtual package that represented a complete runtime
    Stephen> environment, i.e java.* classes, JVM & tools.  That would
    Stephen> mean that kaffe, sablevm, and the various Sun jre, would
    Stephen> then provide both virtual packages.  Essentially:

    Stephen>         java1-runtime == java-virtual-machine +
    Stephen> java1-core java2-runtime == java-virtual-machine +
    Stephen> java2-core

Given that this post has illictied no responses, I'm going to file
bugs against *all* packages that depnd on java-common but don't depnd
on java[12]-runtime, requesting that they do so.


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