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Re: j2sdk build-depends cannot be satisfied?

>>>>> "Stefan" == Stefan Gybas <gybas@trustsec.de> writes:
    Stefan> IMHO Java libraries should not have any dependencies on
    Stefan> either a runtime or a virtual machine. The reason is
    Stefan> simple: Let's say I have a Java library package in main
    Stefan> (so it can be built with jikes or gcj) that build depends
    Stefan> on another Java library package (of course also in main).

I disagree.  Consider the analogy of non-Java libraries.  They *all*
depend on a runtime environment (libc6), regaless of the fact that the
binaries that invoke them also depend on the same runtime environment
(libc6 again).  Even if we have tools that are capable of generating
new .class files simply by reading the contents of the .class/.jar
files in the java libary package, that is not the common usage case.


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