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Re: sun-jdk1.4-installer

Stephen Zander <gibreel@pobox.com> writes:

>>>>>> "Tony" == Tony Simone <tony.simone@medvantx.com> writes:
>     Tony> Are there any significant differences between the
>     Tony> Blackdown stuff you packaged and Sun's 1.4.0 or 1.4.1
>     Tony> JDK's?  I've been sticking with Sun's stuff so far because
>     Tony> I know it works with my apps and I just don't much free
>     Tony> time to evaluate others.
> I don't believe there are any differences between the Blackdown
> packages & the Sun codebase; is Sun's 1.4.1 beta.  I'm sure
> Juergen will correct me if I'm wrong.

It's based on some post-beta code (the differences to Sun's fcs
codebase are negligible).  The improvements over Sun's version are
mainly bugfixes, performance enhancments and a few new features.

The next release will be based on Sun's 1.4.1_01 code and have more
performance enhancements (e.g. up to 80% faster image/java2d
operations) and more fixes (like full LFS support, support for X with
depth 24 and 24bpp, ...).  There will be two versions: one built with
gcc-2.95 and one built with gcc-3.2.
>     Tony> It seems that you've been packaging this stuff for a
>     Tony> while, which is great, but is there any chance of it
>     Tony> ending up in Debian proper?  Will there be any j2sdk in
>     Tony> Debian anytime soon?
> Certain legal technicalities interfere with the inclusion of the
> j2se packages by "Debian the organisation" on their mirrors.  The
> j2se packages will never be in "Debian the distribution" as their
> licence violates the DFSG
> <URL:http://www.debian.org/social_contract.html>

And there's that 'remove non-free' discussion...
I guess I'll switch to Gentoo ;-)


Juergen Kreileder, Blackdown Java-Linux Team

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