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Re: sun-jdk1.4-installer

>>>>> "Tony" == Tony Simone <tony.simone@medvantx.com> writes:
    Tony> Are there any significant differences between the
    Tony> Blackdown stuff you packaged and Sun's 1.4.0 or 1.4.1 JDK's?
    Tony> I've been sticking with Sun's stuff so far because I know it
    Tony> works with my apps and I just don't much free time to
    Tony> evaluate others.

I don't believe there are any differences between the Blackdown
packages & the Sun codebase; is Sun's 1.4.1 beta.  I'm sure
Juergen will correct me if I'm wrong.

    Tony> It seems that you've been packaging this stuff for a while,
    Tony> which is great, but is there any chance of it ending up in
    Tony> Debian proper?  Will there be any j2sdk in Debian anytime
    Tony> soon?

Certain legal technicalities interfere with the inclusion of the j2se
packages by "Debian the organisation" on their mirrors.  The j2se
packages will never be in "Debian the distribution" as their licence
violates the DFSG <URL:http://www.debian.org/social_contract.html>


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