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Re: Debian bug 120636: New upstream version available (4.0.1)

On Wed, Dec 05, 2001 at 02:20:44PM +0100, Stefan Gybas wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 05, 2001 at 06:35:06AM -0500, Michael Bilow wrote:
> > I am curious about the problem referenced about Tomcat 4.0 not being able
> > to be packaged because it depends upon non-free JAR files from Sun.
> The Tomcat 4.0.1 binary distribution contains a lot of JAR archives in
> the common/lib directory:
> activation.jar      jta.jar            naming-resources.jar  tyrex.license
> jdbc2_0-stdext.jar  mail.jar           servlet.jar           xerces.jar
> jndi.jar            naming-common.jar  tyrex-
> None of them are created from source files in the source archives, they are
> expected to be present when building Tomcat. The Ant build.xml file for
> Tomcat 4.0 contains rules like this one:
>   <target name="copy-jndi.jar" if="copy.jndi.jar">
>     <copy todir="${catalina.build}/common/lib" file="${jndi.jar}"/>
>   </target>
> So the locally installed JAR files are put in the Tomcat binary
> distribution. You have to download some of them from Sun first and accept
> Sun's license. This license allows unmodified redistribution (that's what
> Tomcat and other Jakarta projects do) but they are -- according to the Debian
> Free Software Guideliness -- non-free, of course. So if you want to include
> some of them into a Debian package this package must go to the non-free
> section. This is what Adam Heath plans to do with his JBoss package but I
> don't want to maintain a package in non-free.

Yes but you can make a contrib package that depends on non-free software.
The non-free software does not necessarily have to be in the non-free section
because that is not always possible.

> If you want to see Tomcat 4.0 as an official Debian package someone needs
> to package those non-free JARs separately for Tomcat (and others) to depend
> on. Please see the thread that started at
The dependencies can be described in the README.Debian file if it does
not exist in the non-free section...

> http://lists.debian.org/debian-java/2001/debian-java-200111/msg00040.html
> for details. There has also been a discussion the the tomcat-dev mailing
> list about this topic. The thread started at
> http://www.mail-archive.com/tomcat-dev%40jakarta.apache.org/msg15517.html
> The Jakarta project might not even be able to distribute the binary Tomcat
> archive because they don't include the required licenses. You could get
> the impresion that everything in the archive was licensed under the Apache
> license - but some of the JARs are definitely not. Even if someone made
> a Debian package of Tomcat 4.0 with all these JARs included Debian would not
> be able to put in into the archive, not even the non-free section.

True. I just found ouf (bug report) that I have such binaries in
jetspeed so I have to remove theese jars from there and describe how
to get them manually to make jetspeed work.


// Ola

> -- 
> Stefan Gybas
> -- 
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